Chapter 5

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After an hour or so passed Ranpo woke up from his slumber after crying. He got up and looked around his surroundings. He noticed that this wasn't his room and that this wasn't his bed.

"...Where am I? Wasn't I at the park?"

Ranpo jumped down from the bed to the floor. He stood for a bit then walked around the room to find out more.

"Hmm.. This is for sure aint my house.. Why are there so many books? This room is more like a library-"

He looked around some more. While looking around the bedroom then he heard footsteps coming from the direction of the stairs. Ranpo turned to face the stairs to see someone coming up. That someone was Poe.


Ranpo said with a cheer and ran towards him to give him a hug.

"Goodness at least it was you and not anyone else."


Poe nodded with a smile then hugged him back. Ranpo's head was against Poe's chest while hugging him tightly.

"So.. Why does your room look like a fucking library?"

"Uhm.. It's all the mystery novels I have written and I showcase them by placing them on shelves in my room."

"Makes sense. Anyways, why am I here, wait nevermind I know! It's because I was under the slide and you saw me there, isn't that right?"

Poe was scared for a second but realized he wasn't talking about other reasons luckily for him.


He nodded and gave Ranpo a friendly smile.

"Oh I uhm made some breakfast if you want some."

"Oo! Does it have something sweet?"

"Uhm eh kinda."

Poe said nervously, hoping that he did make something sweet..

"Alright! Let's go!!"

Ranpo said in excitement running down the stairs to the dining room. Poe finally caught up to Ranpo. To see him at the table jumping up and down in his chair. He was very excited to eat breakfast that has sweets. Poe went to the kitchen to prepare a plate for Ranpo. The plate had 2 pieces of bacon, scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of french toast, and he added a chocolate chip muffin. After he was done setting up the plate he served it to Ranpo. On that plate Poe had place a little card as well that had said his confession of feelings towards him. Hoping he would read it.

"Here you go Ranpo hope you enjoy the meal."

"Yay!! Thank you Ed!! Oo! A muffin Yay!!"

Ranpo took the plate with excitement eating all the food but not so quickly to not choke. After he was done eating the food he noticed the card at the bottom of the plate. Before he could ask Poe what the card was for he had left the room silently while Ranpo was eating.


He reads the card.

Dear Ranpo,

The way you solve my mystery novels with such determination and excitement waiting for my newest novels. Every time you make my heart skip a beat, you make my day shine brighter than my dark humor for the novels. I've been holding my feelings back for a while till now. I wanted to say I have this undying love towards you and I hope you feel the same towards me.


Edgar Allan Poe

Ranpo was shocked.. He had no words on what to say about the lovely letter he has received..

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