Chapter 2

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The unlucky one

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The unlucky one

Once Yosano had gotten home. She did her usual such as putting the groceries away then got comfy on the couch to watch TV.

She looked through what she could watch on Bungflix. She finally found something to watch. She got very interested and almost finished half of the season. She had checked the time then noticed it was nearly 9pm.

"Shoot! Gotta make myself a quick dinner then get ready for bed. Goodness I guess that show was too good for me to stop watching"

Yosano let out a chuckle then got up and stretched to make herself some dinner. She started to prepare herself chicken with a side of macaroni and Hawaiian roll sandwich. The savoring smell filled the room and smelled so delicious that it made her hungry while cooking her meal. The hot steam from the chicken cooking on the stove. The way the cheese stretches and mixes with the macaroni when cooking and stirring it.

"Mmm~ This smells lovely!"

She served herself a plate then sat on the couch to continue watching her show while she ate her food. She was so interested in the show that she had almost forgotten about her food. Luckily she finished her food before it had gotten cold. Once she did, she paused her show then turned off the TV to get ready for a nice sleep.

She yawns and stretches after sitting for a long time.

"Ohh goodness that show was getting interesting.. Sad that I had to pause it"

she laughed then went to the bathroom to get dressed into her pajamas, then went to her bed and got comfy

"Goodnight, tomorrow will be a new day.."

Poe was waiting for her to sleep then broke into her house through her window that she had left open.

"As if you will see another day... I will do anything for my dear Ranpo's love~..."

Doing so while Yosano was in deep sleep little did she know she wouldn't be able to see the next day that she was waiting for. He wore all black to cover himself in the dark nights. He did what he had to do.. Then took his black mask off his mouth to breathe a bit of cold air after breathing hot air under the black mask that covered his nose to his mouth.

"Glad that's over with.. Now she won't be a problem anymore between my love for Ranpo~..."

He left her dead body there on her bed letting her bleed on her deathbed. Hoping she will rest into the afterlife.

"I will do anything for my dear Ranpo~.."

Poe then left out through the window he came in and left no fingerprints.. Hoping Ranpo doesn't see her body due to his ability to solve and deduct everything..

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