Chapter 2

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After the party in Zagreb, Dawn stopped at a bar to cool off, and maybe find a fun way to end the evening. Croatia certainly wasn't lacking pretty women, or pretty queer women. But it was lacking pretty queer women that stick around the next morning. She found a nice woman in the bar and brought her back to her hotel room, where they spent a lovely evening. Though, like most times, she was gone when Dawn woke up.

It was fine, she knew not to take it personally.  Hell, she'd left many women in the morning. Though she'd usually at least leave a note thanking them for a nice night. But whatever. She got dressed into her usual mission clothes, leggings, an athletics sweater and tac vest, with a large hoodie over it. She packed up the minimal things in her hotel room and left for her jet. She'd named her 'Rise' one night while drunk over FaceTime with her brother and it had stuck.

Dawn didn't have a home, there were a few shield safe houses she frequented, but none enough to call home. She preferred her small jet anyways. Why have a house when you can have a tiny little flying home. It had everything she needed, and she rarely needed to touch down.

Her brother, Lance, had gotten married a couple years ago. To someone she herself would have probably tried to pick up at a bar, which she found slightly disturbing. Bobbi Morse was truly beautiful. Dawn had been 16 at the wedding, it had been before she was out to anyone. Bobbi had asked her to be her maid of honour, which she found a little strange. Bobbi was 20, marrying her 23 year old brother, she was pretty close to Lance but it still struck her a little weird to be her future sister in laws maid of honour when she'd only met her a handful of times in person.

Bobbi knew of the infamous Agent Daybreak, of course she did. Everyone who had brains in shield knew about Agent Daybreak. Though no one knew she was Dawn Hunter. She had kept her identity a secret, to protect her mom, and the rest of her family. Lance was a mercenary, ex M16. He didn't need to be protected, she knew that. But still, as the youngest Hunter sibling, she'd always been treated like such a child. She graduated highschool at 12, Lance had graduated only two years prior. She wasn't a child.

She landed her jet on her familys tarmac and walked towards the large Hunter family manor set in England. Her mother, Diana Hunter, met her at the gates to the front entrance and pulled her into a tight hug. Dawn let out a relaxed sigh and hugged back. It felt nice to come home sometimes, but it was always short lived. "How long are you here for this time, dear?" Diana asked, overjoyed to have her daughter back home safe. She smoothed Dawn's hair out, and brushed wrinkles from her clothes. Clearly it had been a long flight.

"Only a few hours, Mum. I just need to switch out bags." she held up the duffel bag that she'd been living out of the past month and a bit. She'd become quite skilled at packing an insane amount of clothes into small bags, and she'd learned how to use a laundromat in almost every country in the world. She chose to ignore the sad and disappointed look on her mothers face while walking into the large house and towards her room. She had laundry to do, food to eat, and people to track down.

"When did you last speak to your brother?" Diana asked, waving one of the butlers over to carry Dawns bag up while they walked. Dawn brushed them off. Diana wished her children had decided to take up careers that kept them closer to home. Lance had been close at one point, and then he began to be whisked all over the world. Dawn, well she's been everywhere since she was 12. And her other son.. Well Benedict had quite obviously chosen her ex husband in the divorce. Diana hadn't wanted there to be sides, she'd done her very best to give the kids equal opportunities and time between the two of them. But with Benny being 10 years older than Dawn, and Dawn seven years younger than Lance, and a child prodigy, it made it quite difficult.

It wasn't that money was an issue, it definitely wasn't. Diana had been wealthy before getting married, her ex husband had also been wealthy, and with the extensive prenups the pair had signed, no money was lost between the pair. Except in lawyer fees that is. Dawn and Lance had grown closer to Diana, than to her husband as a result of this, and to each other. Their relationship was truly beautiful, and Diana was thankful Dawn had someone in the same career as her that she could talk to.

Dawn emptied her clothes into the laundry machine and walked into the kitchen. She couldn't cook to save her life, that's what skip the dishes is for. She cut up an apple and took the peanut butter out of the fridge "so mum, how's the other rich ladies doing?"  She put a big spoonful of peanut butter onto one of her apple slices and bit into it. 

Diana scrunched her nose. Peanut butter and an apple was hardly a sufficient meal after flying and being on the move for who knows how long. "They're doing well, Dawn." She said, pursing her lips. "I can call the chef in to make some food for you" she offered, sighing when her daughter shook her head. "This is hardly breakfast, Daw-"

"It's not supposed to be breakfast. I have dinner plans in New York, I'm just getting new clothes and a quick snack and a visit with my lovely mum" Dawn said, cutting her mother off and finishing her apple slices. "I'll be back for a longer visit around Bobbi and Lances anniversary" she always made sure she was there for their anniversaries, and birthdays. Her birthdays weren't too important to her, but she always showed up on Bobbi and Lances.

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