Chapter 4

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Dawn was ready, in another gown, this time it was flowy and long, it hid the holster and gun strapped to her leg, it hid her knife garter, and it pushed up her boobs. The corset top was mostly sheer, honestly it was borderline lingerie. Her mother would actually kill her if she saw her in this dress.

She walked through the doors, mindset switching to Daybreak mode. Sutton Hawkins was an annoyance that Daybreak has only ever heard about. She's never had the honour of tangling with that she-beast. Daybreak was a beautiful sight to behold, she knew it, and she knew how to work it. She knew how to style her hair to make the faded hickeys pop, she knew what lipstick to wear that made her lips look plumper, she knew the dress that made her figure shine, the eye makeup that made her eyes look wide and innocent, or sharp and dangerous. Daybreak was the walking, talking, breathing, living picture of utter beauty and lust. And she wore the title like a crown.

And yes, while these galas were for work, there was always a surplus of pretty women who couldn't take their eyes off her. Daybreak walked over to the bar and got herself a drink, watching the crowd. When rich people did things, they liked to make a show of it. Liked to have people over, they liked to have parties. Hence why this stupid objective requires so many galas.

Dawn stood at the bar, swirling wine around in a glass. She couldn't stand the taste, it was just so.. Well it wasn't good. She watched the people glide across the floor, everyone except the three unlucky children in attendance were ignoring the dance floor. The kids were dancing to Bachs No. 39 'Erbarme dich' like it was Taylor Swifts newest top hit that was toppling billboards. She smiled just a little, remembering when she was one of those kids, with her older brother shaking his head as she pulled him to dance with her when she was nine and he was sixteen. She'd always been ahead of everyone her age mentally, she was always the special one. She finished elementary school, top of her class, at 9. Highschool, top of her class again, at 12. Hunter had only finished two years earlier Benedict had finished 5 years before her.

Daybreak pulled herself from her memories and looked around the room again, noting a glorious woman's eyes on her. A glorious woman who happened to be concealing weapons. Which meant she was someone Day should probably be wary of, and suspicious. And don't get her wrong, she was. But who says she can't have a little fun before the fight breaks out? And a fight would definitely break out.

Day walked over, bringing a drink with her for the girl. "Hello, lovely" she said with a smile, a calculated one, but the concentration and expertise it took to make such a perfect smile wasn't shown. No, it just looked like she had a truly lovely smile. Which, lets be honest, she did.

The girl of Day's choice turned and smiled, setting her empty glass on the table beside her. "I was wondering when you'd stop ogling me and say hello" American. Day smiled, letting a small blush creep up her cheeks. The american girl wore a pink form fitting dress, her long brunette hair was down, framing her features beautifully. It was tactfully done, Day knew it, the girl knew it. Day handed the girl the glass of tequila and sipped her own. Technically, it wasn't legal for her to be drinking, but no one was checking ages here.

"What kind of name does a beauty like you have?" Day asked, laying her British accent on thick. It hit hard with most American women.. And men. But Day didn't like men, so she usually kept her tricks for the women, they'd run the world one day after all.

"Skye" The woman said, sipping her drink with a small smile.


"And yours?"

"Day" Daybreak answered, getting the feeling this 'Skye' knew more than she was showing. She finished her glass and set it on a waiter's tray, offering Skye her hand to dance. Skye left her half full glass on the table with her empty one and took Day's hand. Day spun Skye, pulling her close so she could feel the amounts of weapons hidden in her dress. She smiled at the shock in Skye's eyes. "So, how many people does Fury have on this and why wasn't I pulled off of it?" She asked quietly, so other party goers wouldn't hear their conversation. She knew Coulson would recognize her voice through Skye's comms, and if he didn't- well Melinda May certainly would. Day smirked as Skye tried to form words to answer her, ones that wouldn't give her away. But, the poor girl had already given Day everything she needed. Fury had other people on Ian Quinn. She let Skye go, picked up her glass and walked out of the room to find the man of the hour. With whom shield clearly wanted words with, and not just for the black toolbox.

She downed the rest of Skye's tequila, found Quin and put on a sultry smile while pulling him by his tie to a private room. Of course, Quin followed eagerly, not every day did a woman as lavishly- yet sluttily- dressed as Day pull you into a room with a smile that made the thought of devils truly wondrous. Day shoved Ian up against the wall, and just before their lips touched, whispered in a scarily low tone. "Where's your precious fiancée?"

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