Chapter 11

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The smell of freshly brewed coffee and toasted pastries woke Dawn, along with soft sunshin rays across her face. And the beautiful woman draped across her chest didn't hurt. Dawn smiled and ran her fingers through Calypso's hair. "G'mornin Darlin'" she said softly, her morning voice deeper and a tad more gravelly than normal, her accent also making much more of an appearance than normal.

"Well don't you sound just radiantly exotic in the morning" the girl on Dawns chest said, smiling up at her. "I don't know how you like your coffee, but I like mine with honey and a liiiiittle baileys" Calypso sat up, stretching her back and arms- completely either ignoring or forgetting the fact that she was stark naked. Dawn assumed she didn't care, judging by the cheeky smile thrown her way when caught staring. "You're adorable when you sleep by the way, one hand fisted up by your face, hair just everywhere, and the softest expression on your face. It's enough to make a girl fall in love"

Dawn was.. shocked. To say the least. Usually, girls left in the middle of the night, leaving half their clothing behind and taking half of Dawns. But Calypso.. well Calypso was clearly not usual. Dawn had only known her for a number of hours, and already she never wanted the girl to leave. And now she was talking about falling in love! Calypso's energy was intoxicating. It was addicting, poison to Dawns work ethic and drive to keep working. With shield going under.. what difference did it make if she let herself really be taken by a girl.

Calypso stood up and walked over to Dawns balcony, stepping onto the deck and staring out at the ocean. It truly was a view to behold. The water was crystal clear, liquid diamond meeting with golden sand on the shore in gentle waves. Dawn walked up behind her, hugging her from behind. She was significantly shorter than Calypso, she was significantly shorter than most people, being hardly 5'2.  Dawn rested her head on Calypso's shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. This was a life she could happily get used to, beautiful view with a beautiful girl on a beautiful morning. "How long are you in Croatia?" She asked Calypso softly, scared for the answer. It was stupid. She really shouldn't be this attached already, she was a shield agent for gods sake, she should be well versed in keeping people at arms length. Apparently that only pertained to her family.

"As long as I've got a place to stay, ma chérie" Calypso said, pressing a kiss to Dawns head. The pair was interrupted by a knock and then Dawns door being pushed open "hey, I was asleep by the time you got home, how did last night g- oh" Max smirked and crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at her friend, and friends new girl. "Pretty well, it seems" She wasn't phased by the nakedness, even in the small amount of time at the estate in Croatia, Dawn had had many women by.

"Max! We are very very naked, incase you haven't noticed" Dawn scolded, more for Calypso than for herself, she often forgot she was living with with someone in the mornings when she got up and walked around her home naked.

"I don't care, ma chérie, I'm French. We are very fond of peoples bodies. Your friend could have joined us last night, if she wished to" Calypso said, throwing a wink Max's way.

Max's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Uh.. no. No I do not wish to. But thank you for the offer..?"

"Calypso" she glanced at Dawn with a smile, "Calypso Batroc" dawn faked her smile now. Batroc. The French pirates who took over the Lemurian star. Even if Fury had paid them, she was related to the leader. Perhaps a daughter? Dawn didn't judge based on a person's last name. Or at least she tried not to. But now she was worried her instincts had led her wrong. Or simply had completely abandoned her. 

"Well, ms Batroc, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Maxine"


Max smiled and glanced at dawn, who was still happily wrapped around Calypso- or fake happily. Dawn was such a good actress even Max couldn't tell when something was wrong unless she wanted her to know.

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