Chapter 16

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"Dawn, Bobbi betrayed shield. I don't know what kind of shit she's into, but she got Mack to lock me up in a hotel bathroom! I mean he brought me hawaiian pizza, so i'm not overly mad at him. But Bobbi is a bloody she-demon!" Dawn knew this would happen, Bobbi had been on the ship when hydra tried taking over, and being Daybreak, she'd gotten countless offers from Gonzales to join, and he'd shared their personnel.

"You haven't answered any calls or texts, We haven't heard from you in months. Are you okay? Let us know if you are.. Or aren't, things between Lance and I are rocky, but i'll come get you anytime you need a rescue" Bobbi's voice echoed through the rocks.

"Day, it's Lance. Call me back, I'm getting worried" there were dozens like this, each one his voice sounded more tired than the last.

"Dawn, darling, answer your phone. Your brother and Bobbi have been asking me if I know where you are or if you're okay." her mum wasn't one to leave a voicemail, if she wanted to talk to machines, she'd strike up a conversation with the microwave.

"Hey dawn.. It's Benedict. I'd like to apologize for Sara's behaviour. It was brash. And dad's as well. If you'd like to pick up your shoes, I have them at my family's house in Liverpool"

"Day.. Alora's missing. Shield can't find her, my contacts in hydra can't find her. I don't-" The line went quiet as bobbi pulled the phone away from her face as a sob tore through her, after a few moments she came back. "Maria said they've been looking for years, she's being pronounced dead, the funeral is in two weeks. I've lost one sister, don't make me lose another, please" this one was almost two weeks old. She could go, stand at the back, have a veil over her face, leave early and get there late. At least she'd make an appearance, bobbi wouldn't know she was there but hopefully she'd feel her support.

She stood, deciding she needed to tell Max and Calypso her plan without making them think she was bloody mental. She picked her way through her trail, over the rocks and through the orchard back to where she could see her house. Max kept bringing up that it needed a name, but honestly, she couldn't come up with anything. She knew naming it after Calypso would be romantic, but nothing she came up with sounded right. She could just call it Croatia house. That's what her mum did with all her homes 'I'm jetting off to the Nantucket house this weekend, darl.' Maybe a badass shield-esque name. One that sounded scary and cool. But once again, she couldn't come up with one.

She made it back, walked up to her room and ignored Calypso's face, and also the fact that Max wasn't there and began packing. She'd either come up with what to say while packing, or do her best on the spot. She grabbed her bag, tossed a nice black dress in along with a pair of shoes and some simple jewelry. Lance had moved out a year before she started at Oxford, meaning she usually went with her mum to any functions during that time, and therefore knew the dress code pretty well.

She walked out to the kitchen with her backpack over one shoulder, duffle bag in hand. Max was walking in through the sliding door, Calypso was putting the food away, Dawn dropped her bag into a chair and crossed her arms. "I have a family thing I have to go to, I'll be back in a few days" she didn't need or want to say that is was a funeral, or that it was her ex-sister in law's. She just knew she needed to be there for Bobbi and Lance and the other Morse's. She hadn't yet decided if she'd make her presence known while there or not, but she had to go either way.

"A family- is everything okay??" Max asked, concern etching across her face. Max knew more than Calypso did, she knew Dawn longer, and could just read the brits face better. She was worried about her best friend, worried that maybe she needed to take things into her own hands and contacts the Hunter's to try pull Dawn out of this, the way she used to laugh and smile when she'd call her brother was the happiest she'd ever seen anyone, and now Dawn had cut the most important people out of her life.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine. I'll be back in a few days" She pecked Calypso on the cheek, side hugged Max and left, flying Rise into the sunset and to San Diego for the funeral. As always, she blasted music through the speakers, this time singing Lauren Spencer Smith's Sad Forever for hours on end, somehow managing to keep her tears safely locked in her tear ducts.

I know the sun is out
I got a couple songs people like to talk about
And I should be happy
I know people say
"It comes and goes", but, if I'm feelin' it every day
It's more than a bad week
Will I be sad forever?
Will I be sad forever?
If my hopes and dreams all came together
Would I wake up one day feeling all better?
Will I be sad?
Will I be sad forever?
I know that through the screen
You only see some of the surface shit I let you see
Truth is I'm breakin'
I've tried everythin', still got empty hands
If you think I'm fakin' it, I'm sorry in advance
Even when I laugh, I cry
I know it's fuckin' dark, but I wonder sometimes
Will I be sad forever?
Will I be sad forever?
If my hopes and dreams all came together
Would I wake up one day feeling all better?
Will I be sad?
Will I be sad forever?
And ever?
And ever?
And ever?
And ever?
And ever?
And ever?
Call it a phase
Call it whatever
I just wish someone would give me an answer
Will I be sad?
Will I be sad forever?

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