In school (warning)

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Y/N's pov:
I continued walking inside the university i am at. I wanna go to the dorm, and catch up with my best friend, and roommate, Gwen stacy. She's the daughter of a honest police captain, and it runs in the family. She is always straightforward, which i like about her. She is also really popular here and so beautiful, everybody wants to be her boyfriend. But she never agreed to be anyone's boyfriend. So i consider being her best friend good enough. I entered my room and saw shower noises. Gwen must be in the shower then. I reorganized my books while waiting for Gwen. When she did come out of the shower, she was just wearing a black sports bra and matching black shorts.
"Oh, hey Y/n. I wasn't expecting you to be back this soon."
"Well, i had no luck, all bodegas are closed, the riots are getting worse." I said
"What is going on with our city?" Gwen asked
"I don't know." I answered
"I only wished that there's someone that would do something about our city." She said
Now it got me wondering, i just got these capabilities to shoot black webs, and manipulate black tentacles, and who knows how many more abilities i have, should i use these powers for good? Maybe, maybe not.
"Well, this is a topic for another day, let's just go to bed." Gwen yawns. She went to sleep and after an hour after she slept, i fell asleep too.

Timeskip the next day
"Alright, you ready for mr longbottom's looong explanation?" Gwen asked
"Nope, i am definitely falling asleep in his class." I answered
"Hey Y/N, Gwen!!" A familiar voice yelled. Me and Gwen turned to see Harrison Wells, right there.
"Harry, it's been so long, how is your internship?" Gwen asked loudly. The whole hall stared at us due to gwen's loud voice.
"Yeah, nothing to see here guys, she's just excited." I chuckled nervously.
"Come on, let's get to class first, then i'll tell you guys all about it." Harrison said. We got to class early, no one was there yet.
"So harrison, how did your internship go?" Gwen asked
"It went amazing, i learned how to run an advanced laboratory." Harrison answered
I then felt something, a sensation unfamiliar to me, but it's telling me to "Run!" I then heard some gunshots from across the hall.
"Harry, Gwen, follow me, now." I said sternly
"What's wrong Y/N?" Just as we exit the classroom, the gunshots are getting louder, meaning it's getting closer.
"That's not good." Gwen said
"School shooting, we can't get to our dorms, not when it's through the place the gunshots are." Gwen said
"There, to the bathroom." I said pointing to the bathroom. We slowly tiptoed our way to the bathroom.
When we got in, i thought of suiting up, but i decided not to, not in front of my best friends at least.
After waiting for 30 minutes, i decided to go out and check if the shooting is over. I was almost shot and immediately summoned the black suit.
"Alright, you're going down." I try speaking as intimidating as possible
"He continued shooting, but the bullets, they seem so slow, so slow i decided to catch them all . He looked at me in shock, like how did i catch all those bullets. I dropped them on the floor and webbed him so i can punch him. I launched myself with the help of my black webs, and punched him. He immediately broke his nose and jaw. His accomplices then came and tried shooting at me, but i did the same thing back at the riot.

 His accomplices then came and tried shooting at me, but i did the same thing back at the riot

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My arms turn into black tentacles and i use them to lift and slam the shooters. I heard police sirens coming, so i figured i should go back, look for Gwen and Harry.

Timeskip Y/N going back to the bathroom where they hid before
After the suit dissipated, i went back to the bathroom to check on Gwen and Harrison.
"Gwen, Harry, you guys alright?"
"Are they gone Y/N?" Gwen asked, sobbing a little
"Yeah, they are. Hey, why are you crying?"
"It's just so scary, Y/N." She replied sobbing. We walked back to our dorm and just stay there for the rest of the day. What Gwen said was true, this city needs someone to actually defend it.

Damn, school shootings, i bet you didn't expect this to be a chapter. You know what, i'll just put a warning so read carefully yeah guys

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