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Y/N's pov:
I was feeling enraged after the fight before, but this time it was different. The voices are getting louder and louder, so is my anger and frustration. The cartel villains just had to threaten to kill my friends, so i stopped them from doing so, for good. Now, they're gone, and all i have to do is beat the kingpin, the final boss, the one who hired them. But, who would have enough influence in the city, capable of freeing electro from police custody and prevent the cartel members from ever being captured? Who could this kingpin be? Unless, of course, it is wilson fisk. He's mayor, so it makes sense for him to have so much cops under his payroll. I swung my way towards his mansion, planning on ending this once and for all.

Harrison's pov:
Gwen and i are currently trying to find Y/N, but we have no way to find him at the moment. I intend on thanking him for saving me from scorpion,but this has gone a little too far. He's literally killing criminals left and right. After killing most of the cartel members, surely he'll be going for their boss, but who is it and where is he going? Electro escaped prison, so this boss must have connections inside the NYPD, and certainly rich enough to pay for the other cartel members. The only one that can do that in this city is, wilson fisk. He's kingpin. And it means, Y/N is most likely trying to kill him now. Gwen looked at me with a 'spill' kind of look.
"Gwen, i think i know who is the kingpin." I said
"Who?!!" She replied like screaming
"Wilson fisk. He's the only person in new york, rich enough and connected enough to be able to do all of this." I explained
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get Y/N!!"" She shouted
"Wait!!" I stopped her
"What?!!" She asked, impatiently
"We need to grab something before we go." I answered
I then opened the door to my car and gestured for Gwen to come in.
"Where are we going?" Gwen asked
"To star labs." I answered
"Why, why star labs?" She asked
"Y/N has something that is called a symbiote, it came from another dimension, it was already powerful by itself. But with a host, the host can access it's power, and the host is..." I explained
"Y/N." Gwen added.
"What are we picking up in star labs?" I asked
"A weapon, capable of seperafing the symbiote from Y/N." I answered. I suddenly stopped the car due to the group of people gathering to protest. We'll have to go by foot.
"We're gonna have to go on foot from here." And with that, we ran inside of star labs before they can protest.

Y/N's pov:
I finally arrived on fisk's mansion, he's just an obese man, too fat to do anything himself, and he has done enough damage to my city, so for that, his fatass is going to die. I jumped and ready a punch towards the mansion windows with the help of the tendrils, and with one strike, i broke the glass.

 I jumped and ready a punch towards the mansion windows with the help of the tendrils, and with one strike, i broke the glass

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I entered through the window. It seems that i am on top of the mansion's ceiling. I decided to drop down and give him a fright.

 I decided to drop down and give him a fright

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(Imagine Miles in the gif is kingpin)

I landed in a pretty dark space, with fisk across the room with a dim light on.He doesn't look suprised to see me, hell, he even smirked at me. I have a feeling this is a trap, but i couldn't stop now. After i kill him, no one will be able to do any criminal activities, cause they all respond to kingpin. I stepped closer, the suit now visible.
"This is it, willie, you're going down." I said menacingly
"No, you are, venom spider, you have interfered long enough." He said menacingly with a smile
"What are you waiting for? Kill him!! Make him suffer!!" The voice encouraged
"I'm gonna kill you, but not before i make you suffer." I said menacingly
"How do you plan on doing that?" He asked. I walked around and grab a photo of what seems to be his family, i chuckle in amusement. I got an idea.
"I'm gonna beat you up first, then i'll come after your wife, i'll kill her infront of you, then you will understand what it feels like to have someone close to you threatened." I threatened menacingly, low growls accompanying every sentence.
"You are not going to lay a hand on her." He shot back aggresively
"You sure? Last time i checked, you simply pay for those cartel members so they obey you, they all fear me." I growled.
"And you're nothing more than just a fat crime boss too lazy to do anything yourself." I added
Kingpin got into his fighting stance, and so do i

3rd person pov:
Y/N and kingpin prepared for their fight. Kingpin cracked his knuckles, while the venom spider just growls menacingly, accompanied with a suit that makes him even more feared. The rugged surface of the suit, exposing it's alien nature. Kingpin threw the first punch, the venom spider didn't dodge, but instead punching kingpin back. The venom spider began using his tendrils amplifying his attacks, utilizing his opponent's lack of range. Y/N attacked kingpin with everything he has, all his attacks are fully driven by rage and this is where he planned to do it. He planned to kill kingpin, but also the old Y/N.
"I didn't expect a 20 year old student interfering with my business, Y/N." Kingpin said in a mocking tone.
"The Y/N that was just a student, he was weak. He dies here today, with you." Y/N answered menacingly, with more punches being thrown. Kingpin can barely block venom spider's punches, let alone his tendrils. They continued fighting till kingpin eventually tired out, deep wide cuts covering his skin, his suit damaged, and his face bloody, while venom spider just looks even more enraged and disgusted of the weakling that he saw infront of him. He walked towards his defeated opponent, and grabbed his face .
"You lose, kingpin." Y/N said in a menacing tone
"Why don't you just go on with it?" Fisk asked
"I told you, i plan on making you suffer before you die." Venom spider answered
"And it all starts with your wife." Y/N added.
The venom spider then swung away, leaving a bruised crime lord, lying on the ground.

New chapter, you guys must have waited so long for this chapter. Well, here you go, enjoy it!!

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