Healing but now it hurts even more

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The bully reader arc has begun.😈😈😈

Y/N's pov:
It's been a few days after the kidnapping, and i have never been more terrified then to see my best friend get tortured like that. I am in the hospital, sitting beside Gwen. She is still resting, this was all my fault, had i seen scorpion peeping me entering the university dorm, i could have stopped all this from happening. Then Gwen stirred awake.
"Hey Y/N." She greeted with a groggy,raspy voice. I find it just so attractive
"Hey Gwen." I flashed a fake smile
"You don't always have to be here you know?" She asked sheepishly
"Oh please, i wanted to. And you couldn't stop me from doing so." I replied
"Okay." She answered. Harrison then suddenly entered the room, shocking us both. We both shouted in suprise
"Jeez, harrison, you scared the hell out of us." Gwen said
"Yeah, you should have a cosplay on." I teased
"If i have a cosplay on, both of you wouldn't stop screaming like that." He laughed
Suddenly the lights were out. What just happened? Then Gwen's doctor and a couple of nurses entered and rolled her bed out of the room.
"What, what's wrong?" I asked
"The power is out, electro is messing with us again. He shut down the power grid." The doctor said.
"Where are you taking me?" Gwen asked
"To the other side of the hospital, it has a backup generator but it needs to be started and we don't have the personel to turn it on. " the doctor answered
"I can try turn the generator on." Harrison said
"I'll find a friend, he knows how to deal with electro." I said
"Be careful, Y/N." Gwen said
"Says the one lying on a hospital bed." I teased
"Haha, very funny." She laughed
I then ran out of the hospital and i felt the suit envelop me. I then swung my way to the city's power grid.
When i arrived, i see electro draining the city's electricity.
"Hey, zappy, i don't have time for this today, so put the power back online." I said with anger
"Ah, venom spider, nice to meet you." Electro said chuckling
"What you planning, zappy?" I asked
"The thing is, i'm doing this because of you." He said
"Me?" I asked
"You interfered with scorp's business, and now he's dead, and now i have to clean up his mess too. And i know just how." He said with a smirk. It then became clear, he sucked the electricity dry so the hospital can't treat Gwen, and he knows that she will be brought to the other side of the hospital. And that is where i bet he's planning on killing her.
"You're not trying to kill me, are you?" I asked hoping he just sucked the electricity to be stronger or whatever
"Correct." My eyes widened in shock, i was right, he is planning on killing Gwen, i have to get there, fast.
I shot a web and tried swinging back, but then i got pulled by what seems to be electricity.
"Unghh!!" I grunted as i was slammed onto the ground
Now it was just me and electro for now.

3rd person pov:
Venom spider's dedication to save his friend propelled himself up. He had to get to the hospital fast, but electro is in his way.
"Get.out. of. my .way." Venom spider said with a menacingly low tone
"Not on my watch." Electro said
"So be it." Venom spider said, charging at electro as fast as his feet can get him. Electro fired a lightning blast at his approaching opponent, Venom spider was suprised of the sudden attack and managed to shift his body out of the way, the lightning dancing around the surface of his suit that is as black as the night,and fired a web, propelling him to tackle electro. Both rolled around the ground from the Venom Spider's tackle, and Venom spider wastes no time going back on the offensive. Electro however just vanished in a form of a lightning , moving from one place to another, but venom spider occasionally landed a hit on him, but electro was overall hard to hit.
"Having fun, Venom spider?" Electro asked
"Like all those girls you tried to please? Nah." Venom spider added. Electro fired another lightning blast, venom spider dodged and saw a large hole that absorbed the lightning that electro shot. Smirking, venom spider positioned himself infront of the large hole. Electro fired lightning blasts around, hoping to hit the venom spider, but the venom spider is more agile and arguably faster. Venom spider continued baiting electro to fire his ligutning into the large hole, while electro is running out of power. His blasts become weaker, slower. It continued to the point electro could no longer float in the air and crashed down to the ground, and the police quickly apprehanded him. Venom spider quickly swung back to the hospital, he knows that Electro would soon be freed by the corrupt cops, but he could worry about that for another time. He had to make sure his friend is safe, which he has a feeling they aren't.

Harrison's pov:
I managed to turn the generator on, and Gwen is still in an emergency room. I quickly ran towards the room, making sure she is safe.

3rd person pov:
A doctor reaches to his ear, tapping his earpiece awaiting orders from his boss.
"Boss, the venom spider won, Electro is apprehanded." He said
"Kill his friends then, this will teach him a lesson about messing with our business." The voice from his earpiece ordered. The doctor then took a surgery knife from his bag, and walked towards gwen. The nurses are gone, it's just him and the girl. Gwen wasn't looking, so it gave him an opportunity to kill her. But then, Harrison showed up, and he quickly tried to stab Gwen, but harrison pushed him away from her. As harrison readied himself to fight, the venom spider entered through the window, he quickly knocked the doctor with just a punch. Harrison turned to see Gwen crying, surely it would have been a horrifying experience almost getting killed twice. The venom spider walked towards gwen.
"Please, i don't want to die." Gwen cried
"Shh, it's okay gwen." Harrison assured
"Where's Y/N, are you Y/N's friend?" Gwen asked
"Yes, he's fine unlike you." Venom spider said harshly
"What?" Gwen asked back
"If you would have stopped crying, you would be better by now, but you're not, because when things like this happened, all you can do is just cry." Venom spider said
"I need you to leave." Harrison said
"Yeah, i don't want to hang with a nerd and a crybaby." Venom spider taunted. He then left, Gwen and Harry breathed a breath of relief.

Y/N's pov:
After the suit dissipated, i remembered what i said to Gwen and Harry, i sighed. I just gave my best friends emotional damage. Sighing, i walked back towards the hospital. Trying to apologise for what i did.

What do you guys think? Should i make Y/N a bully or not? Comment to decide guys!!

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