Chapter Forty Eight.

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[just sound effects from youtube, no song or theme]

start playing when given the '**' symbol.


I'm uncontrollable, emotional, chaotically proportionalI'm visceral, reloadableI'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy
Everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twistedEverybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twistedEverybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twistedEverybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twisted



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IN the next instance, we were all tumbling towards the Twinkie, getting inside. Pope, Kie and Carter squashed on the leather seat, JJ on the seat behind the driver's, while I'm in the passenger seat. John B was driving at full speed as we drove through the cut. 

"We go in there, guns-ablazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos," JJ spoke, brewing up a plan that--for once--everyone agreed with. "Then, get the hell out of there!" 

"Hell yeah!" I laughed, patting him on the shoulder as I winked at him. Making his cheeks blush red as he smiles back at me.

"Send that shit right down the intracoastal," John B exclaime, turning his seat while driving to look at the other with a wide smile.

"Focus on driving, idiot!" I grabbed the steering wheel and turned it right on the path.

"Wait for the weather--" Kie added along in the plan.

"While looking out for boogeys and the cops," Carter included. "We gotta be careful!"

"Yeah..." Pope nodded to his words. "then, exit to Cuba," He added.

"Cuba?" I frowned, questioning his choice of place.

"Yeah, no, man...Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan," JJ corrected him with a sly smile. "Lobsters so thick, mangoes and no word for money," He says, making me giggled.

"Let's do this shit!" Kie and John B echoed. While I turned in my seat to look at my boyfriend who was loading up and double checking if his gun was full with bullets or not, while making sure the safety lock was on right now.

"I think you are more obsessed with Yucatan than you are with me, hot stuff," I teased JJ.

"Aw, you know you have me wrapped around your little finger, princess..." JJ rolls his eyes playfully.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now