Interrupted Quirk Training!

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A/N Hello everyone, and great job on being great readers in reaching the goal on the story from the last chapter! I know that you all are prepared to see what happens later on in the story, and now it's time for the Summer Camp attack from the villains! We will be watching what the students do in the meantime as the villains are preparing for their attack soon enough. Well without any more waiting, let's begin this continue wash of a story!

Izuku had been training with Tiger all day, he had made sure that the Hero could train him as long as Izuku had planned for himself to go. He was throwing punch after punch in order to manage to damage his fighting instructor so that he could do more damage with his hits. But every time the Hero dodges from each attack making Izuku have to think outside the box in order to land a hit on the man. Not to say that he wasn't being hit back by his opponent, but he was being damaged slightly by the Hero since whenever Izuku missed an attack he didn't use his quirk to lower the damage dealt to him. He wanted to increase his durability by taking hits without his quirk active as well as with it active at certain points so that he could keep himself in the fight. They were still going when the rest of the classes were making dinner for the group when they all heard an explosion with green sparks come from where Izuku and Tiger were located. Running over to the area where the two were last seen, they came to an area where Izuku and Tiger stood across from one another sweating heavily as they breathed heavily as well. "T-That was a good hit. Managed to damage me while I was escaping, what are you going to name it?" Tiger asked, panting as Izuku fell to one knee. "I think that I will call it... Super Explosive wave." Izuku panted as he caught his breath before trying to stand back up. As he stood up on both of his feet, he stumbled as he fell to the ground in pain as one of the girls ran over to him. "I guess it's now time for you to rest. You've increased your overall strength, speed, stamina, endurance, as well as defense with your quirk both active and not. Get some rest and come back out later, me and the other Pussycats have a surprise ready for you all when dinner is done, and you've all had your showers." Tiger said, limping away from the area to find Pixie bob.


It was a few minutes later that Izuku found himself between Ochako and Tsuyu as the two girls were keeping him surrounded on both sides. He blushed from their close proximity, as he ate his dinner, and he didn't wish to disturb their eating. He noticed that Kota was walking into the forest as he remembered what he did the previous night as well as how he was hating on Heroes for dying on the people they save. "Hey Ochako, Tsu... can I talk to Kota for a moment?" Izuku asked, as both girls looked at him. "Sure thing Izu-kun, you don't have to ask us." Ochako said, as Tsu nodded her head in agreement. As Izuku stood up he walked towards the trail that Kota had been walking on and he had brought some dinner for the boy as well since he didn't want the boy to miss out on some of Kacchan's spicy dinner. Walking down the trail he found that it leads to a small cliff that overlooked the summer camp that his class were training in. He finds Kota sitting on a small rock that was near the edge as he moved as close to the boy with the food in his hands. "Hey Kota." Izuku said, as the boy looked over at him. "What do you want!?" He yelled at Izuku. "I'm just bringing you some dinner that Kacchan made. I don't wish for you to be all alone here on this cliff." Izuku said, placing the food down. "Well, I'm not hungry!" The boy said, angrily looking away before a loud grumbling sound came from his stomach. "Well if you weren't hungry, I think your stomach is. But while you eat that, I want to ask you a question." Izuku said, sitting down next to the boy. "Well what do you want?" The boy said, glaring at Izuku as the food was placed near him. As the boy was eating Izuku sat down fully and stared at the sky with a small sad smile on his face as he began to breath softly. "I wanted to know why you hate Heroes so much. I know that you think Heroes go out there to just die in battles against villains, but I want your true reason." Izuku said, as the boy just glared at the food. "My parents were The Hero duo Water Hose. They were saving people when a villain showed up and killed them. They never cared for me because they tried to save the people around them and that got them killed! Then everyone was celebrating the fact that they died!" The boy said, as angry tears came down his face. Izuku decided to take a risk and moved closer to the small boy and wiped his tears from his face as he gave the boy a small smile. "Well I can't relate to you on that front in terms of Heroic Parents. But there is one thing that I can believe that Heroes do more now adays that is similar to why you hate them." Izuku said, as the boy looked at him angrily. "What could you know!?" He called out. "Well, I was quirkless for a majority of my life. My quirk came in during the Sports Festival. I had always wanted a quirk and it never showed up when I was your age. And because of it... I was bulled relentlessly, told to kill myself by my peers almost daily. I was treated as less than human because of it." Izuku said, as he pulled his shirt up revealing a massive handprint on his lower abdomen. "Well didn't the Heroes come save you?" The boy asked, as Izuku shook his head. "No. Even the Heroes around me had thought that I was completely useless to the world around me and some police even threatened to imprison me and my mother for being annoyances." Izuku said, as he gave the small boy a sad smile. "Well, what happened then?" The boy asked, now invested. "Well... nobody came to save me until I entered a Hero School all on my own strength and intelligence. I managed to get into UA without a quirk, but because of all the training I managed to get in before the Sports Festival... it didn't show up until my second event in the festival. It literally caused my body to explode with a massive amount of energy." Izuku said, showing the boy a scar that wasn't shown to his classmates on his upper torso. It was a massive gash on his upper torso and led up his neck towards his lower chin. "Why did your quirk do that to you?" He asked, as Izuku gave him a smile. "It was too much power for my body to handle at the moment of manifestation. I'm surprised that I wasn't bleeding from the manifestation of where it came from." Izuku said, as the boy looked at him. "Where did it start building up?" Kota asked. "It started in my hands before moving throughout my body up until it reached the upper torso and neck. It exploded because I was taking in deep breaths since I was low on stamina during the fight." Izuku explained. Standing up, Izuku imparted some wise words upon the boy as well as gave him some closure. "I'm sure that Water Hose had thought about you in their final moments. And I am sure that they wanted everything in their power in order to return to you before dying. They loved you Kota, they just couldn't get to you in time to tell you that before dying." Izuku said, walking away as the boy thought about the words that Izuku told him.

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