Work Studies Prelude

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to the Quirkless Izuku revamp! I know that this story was supposed to revolve around Izuku being quirkless but that event where he becomes quirkless once again will come eventually. So don't worry about it! Thank you all for the 2.5 thousand reads on this story and I certainly hope that you all continue doing your best to increase the number of people reading this story! Let's begin.

After the event of the Provisional Licensing Exams, Class 1-A had moved on to the dorms as they prepared for everything to continue on like normal. Their next class would have an appearance from the Big Three from what their teacher informed them about, and they would be fighting one of them in order to see how tough the Work Studies would be when they joined the ranks. Izuku was sitting in his room looking at his Provisional License as he smiled down at it, his very own Hero License, although it wasn't a true Hero License, he knew that it was just one step away now. The next day came quicker than Izuku expected it would, as he entered his classroom as the teacher was already sleeping behind his desk at the moment. Izuku couldn't help but smile at how the man no matter what situation he was in, could easily find a spot to just sleep for a small while before getting right down to business. Once all the students were inside the classroom, they found out about how they were going to be given work studies partners in Hero Agencies around the entirety of Japan. Izuku looked at the paper he was given and found that his Work Studies Hero he was going to work under was Sir Nighteye. The Sidekick to All Might himself for a few years before they parted ways because of an argument between the two that happened behind closed doors. As Izuku looked at the paper, he knew that the Hero could become a boon for him since the man would help him predict his opponent's strikes as well as attacks so he could be sure to prevent any un-needed damage dealt to himself. He had increased the power of his attacks as well, he just needed to have the right teacher in order to teach him how to predict his opponents moves. Sir Nighteye was one of the Heroes to look out for since the man could see your future just with a single touch of the body. Izuku couldn't wait for- "Hello Class 1-A, meet me down in the school Gym so we can have our fight!" A blond-haired boy called out stealing Izuku's attention to the fact he completely forgot about how the Big three of the school were giving them a visit as well as going to be fighting one of them.


As the class arrived in the gym where they were against their senpai's of the school, the blonde one walked up into the front of his trio as he smiled. "Alright, so in order to best show you how hard it will be in the Work Studies, you will all fight against me." The boy said, as Izuku moved up. "Um sir, what's your name?" Izuku asked, as the young man looked over. "Ah! So you're the one Sir was wishing to join his Agency! My name is Mirio Togata, and my Hero Name is Lemillion!" The boy introduced himself. Izuku nodded and returned to his spot within his class, and as Mirio started to talk about what the Hero Work Studies would entail, Izuku was making a plan in order to take the boy on. From what he remembered from the previous Sports Festivals in previous years, Mirio Togata had been one of the favorite ones to win them. And he had his quirk that allowed him to permeate through the world as well as those who attacked him. And Izuku had wrote about the boy's quirk in his notebooks in order to gain some knowledge about him in the past. As soon as Mirio looked at the class after informing them about what they were required to do, he only found Izuku muttering to himself as if he was thinking about a plan as he smiled. It was so much fun to toss around the younger generation of Heroes and show them not to get too in over their heads and develop a massive ego. That was what led to many of his younger years to die off early on in their careers as Hero Students. As soon as he went into the ground he disappeared from sight, as Izuku finished up with his plan, he had to predict where the boy would come out next... and why was he alone? Looking around he found that he was the last one standing in his group, as Mirio looked at him kind of amused as well as confused. He went for the attack once again, and as Izuku focused his power on sensing his opponent, he found that the boy had gone underground as he phased through the Earth. Izuku looked down to see a spot of hair coming up from the ground as Izuku pointed his fist out to where the boy would come out. Everything moved in slow motion as he did this and as soon as the blond tuft of hair merely grazed his fingers the boy's expression became concerned as his senpai felt himself get smacked in the top of his head. As this forced him back underground, the boy decided to move faster than he thought Izuku could predict, and as he was correct on that portion, Izuku had still been able to see him come out of the ground. Although the boy's attack this time was more on the lines of a grazing blow, as Mirio landed a punch to the boy's stomach. The attack sent Izuku skidding backwards as Mirio looked at the small scratch on his cheek as he smiled to himself. "Wow, nobody's ever been able to hit me in the last couple of months, let's see how you fare against my power up." Mirio said, getting ready to move. Izuku gave a look of concern when the boy erupted up in yellow electricity and moved faster than Izuku could even see and as soon as he could sense a blow coming up from behind it was already too late. Izuku placed his left hand in the way at the last second as a punch landed on his palm and as his hand moved to his lower back the boy was sent flying away from the spot he was located at. Mirio looked kind of worried as he saw Izuku bounce across the ground as he soon was stopped by a tree that was unfortunately nearby. And with a loud THUNK, Izuku broke through the tree and was buried within the branches that fell on top of him. "How many times have I told you Togata, not to go too hard on my students?" Aizawa asked, slightly angry. "Sorry Sensei, just wanted to see how he would fare against my upgraded quirk." Mirio said, as suddenly there was a mass of wind coming up behind Mirio as the young man felt a presence behind himself. As everything moved in slow motion once again, Mirio had with the help of his quirk, turned around in just the right moment to see Izuku, bloody and beaten, about to land a punch on his face with a white aura surrounding himself. As soon as the punch had actually landed on his face, this time it was Mirio's turn to go flying off into the distance as he bounced across the field. When Aizawa looked in awe at Izuku as the boy stood there with his fist pointed out at Mirio's last known position he smirked to himself. But it was right then and there that Izuku had passed out from taking too much damage from Mirio's attack as he collapsed on the ground in slight pain. "I swear to god, you better not have anything to do with why my problem child had gotten a quirk so suddenly Yagi." Aizawa muttered to himself before walking over to Izuku's collapsed form and walking away with it.

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