The answer

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While they were entering the Studio, Catherina was very worried about the answer. She thought that if she won't pass she will upset everyone. Besides, the idea of entering the university didn't seem cool to her.

"Hey, are you afraid?" asked Tini as she saw the girl shaking.

"yes, just a little bit".

"hey, don't worry, we will be with you" supported Lodo.

"I was training by myself, so there's a smaller chance to me to pass. To be honest, I am a little bit jealous of you. As you were trained by professionals you'll pass 100%" smiled David.

"thanks for supporting, guys" Cathy hugged them all.

When they entered the Studio Jorge met Cathy.

"Good luck, hope, you'll pass. Here's a little present for you".

He gave her a scone with a letter C on it.

"awwww, so cute. Thanks".

And she kissed him in cheek. Jorge was excited and he couldn't find words.

"I... I... backed more... so if you are free...we can drink tea with scones. I'll come to you at 6pm"

"ok. but I must see the answer first"

So she went to the board with the names.

"So, my surname starts with A... "

she saw the answer while other friends were waiting. She went through the huge mountain of teens. Went she saw it she said to herself.

"ok Catherina... breeze"

"how is it?" asked David.

"I... I... I..."said Cathy with a serious face.

"You?" said Lodo.

"I ... PASSED!!!!!"

"Aaaaaaaa!!! So cool!!! We are proud you" said girls hugging Cathy.

"so we have a reason to make tea party. Only you and me... Just friends!" smiled Jorge.

"oh... ok".

"hey... I passed too!!"

"Congrats David!" she hugged him.

"so let's walk together in the evening! "

"emm... sorry... but I promised Jorge to..."

"ok... no problem... next time..." answered David.

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