Returning from hospital

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This night Cathy was sleeping badly. She couldn't believe in what happened. Jorge is ok and three days before he went home. At 9.00 when doctor came to see Cathy he understood that she wasn't sleeping.
- hey what happened? You had to sleep. A good sleep is good for health.
-yes doctor... I understand but I couldn't... You know my mom... She's died.-said Cathy crying...
- oh, dear... I'm so sorry... I understand it's hard to loose those who you loved... But it's life... People die everyday every second, and we can't do anything that's the worst thing. I think that your mom could proud of you. She's in your heart.
- thank you doctor.
- any time. I have some news for you. You can be free. And in an hour your father will come and take you home. Get ready... And Cathy...- said the doctor after a pause.
-what's it?
- the man that gave you blood... Jorge... He's a good man. It's not my business but still.
- Emm... How to explain... We are friends...
-ok. Now I have to go. Bye!
-bye bye!
In car
- Cathy, I have to show you someone. I'm sure you'll like her.
- whom?
- I know Cathy that was hard for me but I finally decided to...
His words were stopped by a call.
- so who is she?-, asked Cathy
- you'll see.
When they came home Cathy felt something delicious like... Tiramisu?! She went into the kitchen to look at who did it.
-sorry... Who are you and...
- I'm Adeline... Your fathers bride.
Cathy opened her mouth and made round eyes. She didn't know how to feel: good or bad.
- oh... I'm Cathy... Sorry I'll go upstairs,..
- yeah. Nice to meet you.
Cathy pretended that she didn't hear anything. She rushed upstairs, busted the doors and started crying. New mother! So stupid... But from another hand she understood that she will have to pretend because of her father. So she was thinking about it for a long time then she put off her computer and she saw a message. It was... David?! Cathy was surprised.
To: Catherina Alcini
From: David Lucas
Theme: Miss
" Hi Cathy! How are you? I miss you♥️"
No way! She forgot about David since the day of auto crash and now he tries to... No! Stop! He broke your heart but I didn't feel the true pain.
To: David Lucas
From: Catherina Alcini
Hi there! It's so nice of you to write but your train is gone😓

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