New life. Old people.

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Hi guys;)
Unfortunately it's the last chapter... Hope you liked the book.

The day of the show has finally came. All guys were worried about everything. Alba was trying to calm down everyone.
-guys, please don't worry!! Everything's gonna be great! I feel it! Ok, I know how to raise your mood!
She looked at them, then at the nearest guitar and started to sing:

Hay algo que tal vez deba decirte
Es algo que te hace muy, muy bien
Se siente tan real, está en tu mente
Y dime si eres quien tú quieres ser

Facundo(Alba's boyfriend)
Tómame la mano, ven aquí
el resto lo hará tu corazón
No hay nada que no puedas conseguir
Si vuelas alto


Hay sueños de colores
no hay mejores, ni peores
Solo amor, amor, amor
y mil canciones
Ya no hay razas, ni razones
no hay mejores, ni peores
solo amor, amor, amor
y mil opciones de ser mejor


Saber y decidir que hoy es posible
(¡hoy es posible!)
y en cada pensamiento vuelvo a hacer
(uh, ¡vuelvo a hacer!)
poder imaginar que somos miles
(que somos miles)
y el sueño que comienza a crecer

-hey, you really know what to do.-, hugged Tini Alba.
-ok guys! Let's go and hit the stadium!
-let's go! All for one and one for all.-, Cathy put her arm in front of her. So did everyone.


The final song was Cathy's one. She was very worried. Jorge came to her.
-hey, everything's okay?
-yeah. Just nerves.
-don't worry. I'll be just by your side. And when you sing, think about what makes you happy. And smile 'cause your smile is charming.
-thanks Jorge. I... I... wanna say ...-, she wanted to say him something but Lodo disturbed them by mistake.
-Cathy... your turn ... oh... I'm sorry ...
-no, it's ok... I'm coming.Jorge, just listen to the song. I love you.
-love you.-, said he sending her a kiss.

Cathy slowly got on stage while lots of people were applauding her. She looked for dad, but she knew, she won't find him. The music started playing. Cathy was looking in front of her on the wall and all her life was just like in a film.

Descubrí sobre mi espejo
Que hay más que el reflejo que me da
No hay manera de esconderlo
No hay razón que le gane al corazón.
Descubrí que existe el miedo
Y noté que no me deja soñar

Y hoy tal vez sea el momento exacto
Para saltar tomados de la mano
Y un minuto más,
Sé que puedo soñar.

Quiero cantar decreto de un sueño real
Sé que podemos confiar y nada nos detendrá
Hoy quiero cantar y el miedo no volverá
Porque mi ángel guardián sabrá el camino tomar.

Descubrí que el sentimiento
Es una luz que no puedes apagar
Y la vida es como un cuento
Y el amor siempre gana sobre el más

Que hoy tal vez sea el momento exacto
Para saltar tomados de la mano
Y un minuto más,
Sé que puedo soñar.

Quiero cantar decreto de un sueño real
Sé que podemos confiar y nada nos detendrá
Hoy quiero cantar y el miedo no volverá
Porque mi ángel guardián sabrá el camino tomar.

Hoy quiero cantar decreto de un sueño real
Sé que podemos confiar y nada nos detendrá
Hoy quiero cantar y el miedo no volverá
Porque mi ángel guardián sabrá el camino tomar.


I discovered on my mirror
That there is more than the reflection that gives me
There is no way hide it
There is no reason that you win the heart

I discovered that there is a fear
And note that won't let me dream
And perhaps today is the exact moment
To skip taken by the hand
And a further minute

I know that I can dream
I want to sing
Decree the real sleep
I know that we can rely on and nothing will stop us
Today I want to sing
And the fear will not be seen
Because my guardian angel knows which path to take

I discovered that the sentiment is a light
That you can't turn off
And life is like a fairy tale
That love always wins over evil
And perhaps today is the exact moment
To skip taken by the hand
And a further minute

I know that I can dream
I want to sing
Decree the real sleep
I know that we can rely on and nothing will stop us
Today I want to sing
And the fear will not be seen
Because my guardian angel knows which path to take

Today I want to sing
Decree the real sleep
I know that we can rely on and nothing will stop us
Today I want to sing
And the fear will not be seen
Because my guardian angel knows which path to take.

After she sung this song, the tears were streaming down her face. Everyone went on stage to give her flowers. This time she understood that she has life which further can't be foreseen.

In 5 years

Cathy was packing her bags when her 5 old daughter Diana came to her
-mom, can I take with me my guitar?
-ehm... I don't think it would be a good idea. You would better ask your dad.
-she has to take the guitar! Are you ready girls?
-not only girls! Don't forget about Richard. -, Cathy touched her stomach.
-so, let's go! London is waiting for us! Especially our new little star!-, smiled Jorge looking at Diana, who was his daughter. He would give everything just save his family.
Diana was keen on singing like her parents and she dreamed of becoming a singer like Adele or Beyoncé. That's why she attended a music competition.
Cathy closed the door and Jorge sat in a car. Diana was starting at the ground.
-heyyyy, sunshine! What happened?
-if I won't pass the competition? Will you still love me? Or you'll love Richard more?
-hahaha, my dear Diana. You know, life can be hard sometimes. And people who are strong usually survive. It's okay if you won't pass. It'll mean that you have something to exercise. And I will always love you. And dad will. No matter what happens! I promise.-, Cathy kissed her forehead and suddenly they saw a taxi, Jorge caught. So they drove to London. Cathy suddenly remembered the day when she and Jorge went to London. Those days were so nice that she wanted to put them on replay and keep reliving it.
Life was hard for her. But anyway, she found her own happiness. This was her family. No matter what happens, just stay strong and listen to your heart even though it breaks sometimes.
That was her moto.

So... this is the end... I know it's kinda illogical... I had no idea how to finish it. Hopefully, you have enjoyed this book ... Nearly 800 readers and more than 100 stars! Wow! Really massive thanks for those who have supported me;)
Anyway, you can read my next book called "Wrong number ". It's like fanfic about Liam Payne and Fahriye Evcen. There also will be another book about him, but you'll get information about it later... so, unfortunately that is all for now.
A huge hug

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