Nuestro Camino (Our way)

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As the girls entered into Cathy's house they heard a huge, massive "Happy Birthday Cathy!!!"
-happy birthday dear!
-oh gosh dad! It's so cool!!! I love you!
-in fact... It was Adeline's idea...
-Adeline's?!-, surpassingly said Cathy.
-yeah... She felt bad and went to the bathroom.
-oh, ok... Dad, where's my Jorge?
-ok, where's Jorge?-, smiling asked Cathy.
- well, he'll come soon. Don't worry.-, dad had softly kisses her forehead. Then they took some drinks and daddy poured Cathy with juice "by mistake".
-oh! My T-Shirt!
-sorry ... Maybe you should go upstairs and put on a new one. Sorry dear...
-oh.. Don't worry 'bout it. Everything's fine. I'll be here in 10 minutes.
- Cathy, should we help you?-, asked girls.
-no, no... Enjoy the party. I'll  come back soon.
So Cathy went to change her clothes. After making this her eye caught a window. The noise was coming from it and she decided to know what happened. When she had opened the windows, the guitar melody was coming from it. Cathy understood that it was Jorge with his little present. Cathy started singing:
Tanto tiempo caminando junto a ti
Aún recuerdo el día en que te conocí
El amor en mí nació, tu sonrisa me enseñó
Tras las nubes siempre va a estar el sol
Te confieso que sin ti no sé seguir
Luz en el camino tú eres para mí
Desde que mi alma te vio
Tu dulzura me envolvió
Si estoy contigo se detiene el reloj

Lo sentimos los dos
El corazón nos habló
Y al oído suave nos susurró
Quiero mirarte, quiero soñarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte, quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mí
Pues amor es lo que siento
Eres todo para mí

Quiero mirarte, quiero soñarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte, quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mí
Tú eres lo que necesito
Pues lo que siento es amor
En tus ojos veo el mundo de color
En tus brazos descubrí yo el amor
¿Verá en mí ella lo mismo?
¿Querrá él estar conmigo?
Dime que tú lates por mí también
Lo sentimos los dos
El corazón nos habló
Y al oído suave nos susurró
Quiero mirarte, quiero soñarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte, quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mí
Pues amor es lo que siento
Eres todo para mí
Quiero mirarte, quiero soñarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte, quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mí
Tú eres lo que necesito
Pues lo que siento es amor...

English version

I can feeling when you're walkin next to me
There's a girl inside me only you can see
And our love has made me sure
You are all I waited for so your never ever leave me alone

There's a way of sunlight only you set see
And it's like you stop the clocks when you're with me
'Cause you touch my very soul
And your heart's my only goal
And nowI will never ever leave you alone

'Cause we both feel it, I know
And our heart's told a soul
With the softest words and whisper to us

Caring whatever. caring together
I'll carry you deep inside forever
When you're beside me, caring so finely
I wanna keep you close to me
For the heaven that has sent you
That is where you taking me

Caring whatever, caring together
I'll carry you deep inside forever
When you're beside me, caring so finely
I wanna keep you close to me
For the heaven that has sent you
You shown me that there's is love

Now you're in my every dream and every thought
Ever since you showed me love I want it more
Does she feel the way I'm feeling?
Does he know how much I need him?
It's a love song that I just have to sing

And our heart's has told us
What we already know (We know)
In a words I hear it singing to us

Caring whatever, caring together
I'll carry you deep inside forever
When you're beside me, caring so finely
I wanna keep you close to me
For the heaven that has sent you

Caring whatever, caring together
I'll carry you deep inside forever
When you're beside me, caring so finely
I wanna keep you close to me
For the heaven that has sent you
That is where you're taking me

Caring whatever, caring together
I'll carry you deep inside forever
When you're beside me, caring so finely
I wanna keep you close to me
For the heaven that has sent you
Is showing me that there's is love

From author to dear readers!!!
Just a quick note to say that the video is about CATHY And JORGE!!! I couldn't make a video of them, so I had to take it from it. At the video:
Jorge Blanco
Martina Stoessel

-Jorge? What are you... I mean... It's so sweet!
-no problem. If not your dad..
-dad?! What? He poured my T-shirt... Ok... That was worth it.-, laughing said she.
-ok, then I'll come in.
Cathy rushed downstairs to meet Jorge. She opened the door and entered the garden, where she found Jorge sitting on the bench.
-hi dear! That was amazing!
-hi... You really liked it?
-yeah. I don't think that something can be better surprise.
-you don't?
-then I'll make you to believe. Come with me.
-but all the guests are...
-no, it's ok. Just lie on me.
-hmmm. Ok.
-then close your eyes and don't lose my arm.
It was 6.30 pm already. And guys sat on motorbike and drove off.
-Jorge, can I open my eyes?
-not yet. I'll say. Then, they came to the coast.
-now open them.
When Cathy opened her eyes she was shocked. A lot of candles were lying on the sand at the landscape was amazing, especially the sunset.
-oh my... That's so magnificent!-, the tears started streaming down.
-hey, why are you crying?
-because I love you Jorge.-, answered Cathy. And soon the distance between them started to cut down. In a few seconds it was a sweet kiss, fulfilled with lots of love.
They were lying on the sand when Jorge said:
-Cathy, do you love me?
-yes! What's the point of asking?
-well... You'll see now.-, he went to his motorbike and gave to sheets of paper to Cathy.
-what are they?-, curiosity asked Cathy.
-just read.
-tickets to London in a beautiful hotel... For two... Jorge...
-what? If you say no, I'll understand everything.
-no... I mean... You and me? Nobody else?
-aaaaa!!!!! Then I'll go and pack my clothes.
She strongly hugged him and whispered:
-I love you!

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