Fake dating

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Thursday morning. It's so hot that it's impossible to breathe normally. It was 7.30 . Girls were asleep but the alarm didn't allow them to stay at bed any more.
- girls, wakie wakie! Rise and shine.-, shouted Alba
- Albaaa, it's so early... let us sleep... 5 minutes more.-, lazily said Lodo
- I think you all don't want to get punished another time, do you.-, laughed she.
But no one answered. So Alba decided to change the time on alarm. It was 7.45 and she made 8.45 . She started shouting.
-Girls!!! It's 8.45. We are late!
- what?? Another time?-, said all the sleeping girls.
- omg! Let's put on the clothes and rush to the Studio. Cande I think you don't need cold and relaxing bath.
- very funny.-, said she.-,
-Alba, why are you laughing?- wondered Cathy.
- look at your time in mobile.-, said she
- I'll kill you now!! It's 7.50!!-, shouted Tini
- not only you will do it!-, said other Girls. They took pillows and started their 'war'.
After 5 minutes
- you must have seen your faces when I said it.-, said Alba.
- please don't do it next time or I'm gonna really kill you.-, said Lodo
- hah, okay, but now let's have breakfast.
- okay.
While walking to Studio
- ohhh, can you see him girls?-, said Tini
- whom?-, asked Lodo
- it's our Cathy's prince.-, smiled Cande
- uuuuu, girls let's go to Studio, to rehearsal.- Alba said.
- Cathy hi!-, David softly kissed her in cheek
- hi! How are you?
- bad...
- what happened?
- I haven't seen you for a long time! I missed you so much!!!
- me too. Hey, what are you doing?
- trying to take you in my arms. Something wrong?
- but... I am heavy!-, said Cathy laughing
- not for me!-, said he.
- everybody's staring at as.-, said Cathy
- don't worry... be yourself... no matter what they think! I love you.
- me too!
When they were at the corner of the street Jorge saw them. " What? Cathy? David? Dating? Ok, Jorge, keep calm... breathe... She's with David! Oh, I just hate him! No I hate myself! Why didn't I said the truth to her earlier?" His thoughts stopped Tini
- what are you doing here Jorge?-, said Tini
- hey I was just to die! You scared me!
- what are you doing here? Aaaaa, I must have knew... you are following Cathy!
- shhh! I don't want anyone to here that! To be honest I don't like David...
- why not? He is... cool... handsome... intel...
- If you won't close your mouth I will...
- what will you do? You will kill me? The only problem is in you! You... don't want to understand that Cathy is with David. And Molly was right when she broke with her! You don't understand what love is! Now goodbye! I must go!-, shouted Tini.
From Tini
" I lost my control while I was talking to Jorge. I was such a full! I said that Molly did right! Omg! I am really bad tempered! I must apologize to Jorge."
Now I went to school to the rehearsal. All violetta cast was in except Jorge!! Someone said me that he felt ill and went home. Now I have to keep calm and don't say anything about last 10 minutes...
All day was so boring... Rehearsals, lessons... I decided to call Jorge. No answer... I went to his home and his mother said that he came back home because he felt a headache... Now he is in room... I went to his room.
- may I come in?
- Martina? It's you? Yeah
He said my full name... he is really mad at me.
I slowly opened the door and saw him with guitar.
- Jorge... excuse me... I was wrong... I shouldn't have said it to you... You are the best friend man I've ever met... I was wrong...
- no, Martu, you were right... I really don't know what's love... Do you remember when we just started dating with Molly... I kissed a girl at the party... I didn't feel love. Well... I felt something, but when I met Cathy, I felt something different... you know... I couldn't control myself...
- yeah... ok, let's go!
- where?
- you'll see. But I must call someone first! 'Hi Cathy, are you walking with David?... No I just wanted to be sure that you are ok... bye dear!' Now let's go! I'll tell you everything while we're walking to the park.
While walking
- so, what is your idea?
- I called Cathy to be sure that she is walking in park... I'll tell her that you and me are dating...
- wait... what??? Me and you dating? Are you ok?
- I'll see her reaction...
- but is it necessary to say about me and you? I think your parents won't understand... and mine...
-it's just for one day, so no one would know...
- ok...
So I found Cathy... And asked her for a minute... Jorge was with me... I was worried about Cathy's reaction...
- so, I have to say that... me and Jorge are together...
- what? I don't believe!! You are joking!
- nope, it isn't... seriously...-, answered Jorge
Cathy was depressed... but she didn't want to show it... she felt something strange...
She showed fake smile.
- ok, I'm happy for you
Jorge was shocked with it... He looked at Tini and she at him... Jorge understood that it isn't working and he decided to... kiss Tini... it was hard for him but suddenly he kissed Tini.
Of course girls were shocked. Cathy felt strange and Tini was just to die. In a few seconds David ran to them. He explained that Violetta fans took photos of Jortini kiss...
The real problems just started...

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