Welcome to London!

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-ok daughter... I'll miss you so much! Jorge, please... Keep her safe and sound!
-ok... Your flight is in 30 minutes... I won't disturb you anymore. Good bye!
- bye bye dad!I love you!-, Cathy softly kissed dad.
-let's go!-, said Jorge.
All the flight Jorge was sleeping and Cathy was looking at him with smile. She knew that Jorge's a part of her life. She can't feel anything when they're apart... Of course they had some little argues but one of them immediately apologises.
-hey, everything's alright with you?-, suddenly asked Jorge.
-... umm... Yes. Of course.
-ok. We'll arrive in London in 10 minutes. So put your belts on.
As the plain went down, passengers left the plain. It was a huge airport called Heathrow. When they went inside they were shocked by its sizes.
-my gosh... It's gorgeous! It's so huge! And...
-full of fans...-, added Jorge watching at the group of girls which were starting at them.
-how d' you know if there's your fans. They can't
-well.. Let's see. If you win, you'll ask whatever you want, and if I win you'll spend a night with me.
-pf. Don't worry. I'm so lucky!-, laughing said Cathy.
After Jorge came to the girls, they started screaming like crazy ones. The took a lot of photos and then came to Cathy to take photos with her.
-wow. You won. Ok...
-you'll spend the night with me! Yes! I'm winner.
-no way! Don't even dream about it.
-hey... Why??! You..
-stop Jorge. I was just joking.
-no buts!
-ok... Anyway. We have 5 minutes still.
-what for?
-to run from reporters. They will wait in the waiting room, but we'll go to... there..-, Jorge pointed at the table which said "Underground"
After they sat in the train, they moved to the central London where their hotel was situated.
In the hotel
-that's it! Do you like it?
-yeah... Well, I'm tired so I'm going to have a sleep. It's 9.pm already. What about you?
- well. Me too.

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