Tee party (part 2)

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From Jorge
When I opened the door I saw her. I couldn't say a word. She was just like a queen.

"wow, hi Cathy, I didn't expect that you will look so..."

"how?" her cheeks became red in a moment.

"I just can't find any words. Well... you look gorgeous".

"thanks! You too".

To be honest I was thinking what to wear since I came home. Yeah, I was searching for something new fresh and stylish. I didn't want to put on my usual clothes. So I decided to put on my costume. It was black. I only put it on 3 times, when my father had dinner with his partners.
When we went to my car, I opened the door for Cathy. And then sat on my seat.

"so, are we going to your home?"

"I was just to ask you about it. I think we look too official to sit in the house".

"we are" Cathy laughed.

"so let's go to the restaurant?"


"why not? "

"ok, let's go"
From Tini
At Cathy's house

"so girls what will we do?" asked I.

"I don't know. maybe let's watch TV" said Lodovica.

"no, let's gossip" said Candelaria.

"hey Cande, I thought you don't like gossiping" wondered Lodo.

"I didn't. Actually I don't. But I think Jorge... he loves Cathy".

"you really think so?"I was so curious when I heard it.

"I don't think. I'm sure about that".

"no, anyway, if he does, why don't he say it to her?"asked Lodo.

"well, there're some reasons" started Camde. "Reason 1: they gave promises to each other. And if he says it to her Cathy will be... I don't know... angry... no... sad... hmmm maybe, but If I were Cathy, I wouldn't be sad if someone will love me".

"I know" shouted I. "she'll be depressed".

"she will" said Lodo.

"hey what's the next reason?"

"well, you see, Jorge has just broke up with Molly, so I don't think that he is ready for the new love. He didn't got over the last one".

"no, it can't be" said Lodo.

"girls, let's put it off from our head. We'd better watch TV".

From author
At the restaurant

"so, do you like the restaurant?"

"yes, it's cool".

"we'd like the table for two-, said Jorge to the waiter".

"yes sir. All tables are booked, but we still have one in the balcony".

"excellent" said Jorge.

"let's go" answered Cathy.

In 5 minutes

"Are you ready to make your order?"asked waiter.

"I think we are" said Jorge and Cathy nodded.

"what would you like madam?"

"I'd like tiramisu and a milkshake".

"ok, and you sir? "

"the same please".

"ok" the waiter took menus and left.

"hey, you like tiramisu too?-, said Jorge".

"yes I love it. When I was a little girl my mom made it".

"oh, sorry, I didn't want..."

"don't apologize, sometimes I just want to say what I think or what I feel".

"oh, and I know how to help you. D' you see the piano?"
"yes... and?" wondered Cathy.

"let's sing"

" emmm, I don't know. it's downstairs... and our order will be ready soon"

"are you shy?"

"no I am not"

"then let's sing"

"Sometimes I hate you"

"Hahahaha, there's no reason"

"believe me, there are"

"ok, so I will play "Mi mejor momento". This song is just made for people like you"

She sung the song and then everyone was clapping. Then they ate there order. After that they went walking around the park. It was 8pm. Guys were very tired and they decided to go home.
When they arrived to Cathy's house Jorge said:

"here's a present for you"

There was a box. and there was written: Friends Till The End.

"awwww, what's that?"

"your favorite scones that I baked"

"thanks so much"

"for what?"

"for making my life so different, you see, now I understand what I live for!"

"it's not me... it's our destiny. Ok, now I must go. Good bye! See you tomorrow."

And he kissed her in cheek.

"bye bye!"

When she entered the house, she saw the girls watching film and crying.

"hey, girls, what happened?"

"the dog... It was waiting for the owner for 20 years... and it died... so, what about you?" asked Lodo.

"it was the best evening ever!"

And she told everything that happened to them. Then she drunk some tea and went sleeping thinking of Jorge.

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