✩Trust Issues✩- 01

908 17 46

started: October 17th, 2023

-Felix POV- (the only pov this chapter)

I held my hands over my eyes as I walked in to the white room. I was too afraid to look. Why? Why could my own mother do this to me? Selling me off to a laboratory to be kept as a lab rat. A scientist gently grabbed me by the arm, and threw a hospital gown over my small body. I slowly took my hands off of my eyes when a scientist told me to get on the hospital bed. I got on to the bed and laid down. I was about to put my hands back on over my eyes as a female scientist came with a blindfold.

"Here you go." She said, gently tying the cloth over my eyes. My body slightly relaxed. "So we're going to ask you a few questions for your file. First. What's your full name?" 

"Lee Yongbok Felix." I reply. I couldn't stop myself from shaking as I replied.

"Good." I hear the female scientist say. I also hear a pen writing on a clipboard. "Okay. How old are you, and what's your birthday?" 

"My birthday is September 15th and I am 21 years old." I say. I hear the scientist sigh and whisper to another scientist. I hear more writing until the next question.

"Okay...how well do you think you can tolerate pain?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows. Why? But I still give her an answer.

"Decently I guess- augh!" I yelp. I feel a sharp needle enter my forearm, and someone pinching my forearm. It burned. For some odd reason, my eye's felt like they were burning too. No...not my whole eye. My pupil was burning, as if it was deforming. Then, when the burning stopped...I felt a lot colder and sensitive. I didn't realize that my breath was uneven and panting until a male scientist spoke up.

"Are you okay? Do you feel anything? Like more cold, warm, or you can feel or hear better?" he asks me. 

"Y-yeah I'm okay...but I feel colder and I think that I can hear better." I say.

"Okay. Jennie, write that down." the male instructs Jennie. I assume that Jennie is the scientist that was asking questions, for I still have the blindfold over my eyes. I hear more writing and indistinct whispering until a hear footsteps. Wait- I hear footsteps? Soon, a scientist removes my blindfold. My vision is blurry, and the room seemed brighter than before. Probably because I was closing my eyes for too long. Then it hits me. My breathing starts to rise again  as I realize what's going on.

"I HAVE A TAIL?!" I say loudly. I reach my hand back to feel a fluffy little rabbit tail. I reach up to my head and feel my ears, regretting it because they're really sensitive. I harshly flinch, not knowing that would happen. "I..." I cut off, with a loss of words.

"Yes. I know that it is a large shock, but when you heal, you'll get used to it and then you'll have an owner." the male scientist says.

"An o-owner?!" I stutter. I rarely stutter. It's mostly when I'm either very shocked or talking to intimidating people or things...such as my cat. Days fly by like by way slower than I thought they would. I have nothing to do in the cubicle. All there is to do is eat, sleep, and read magazines and an old copy of Alice in Wonderland. In the room, I have to wear my blindfold, but after the scientists leave, I'm allowed to take it off. Before entering the room though, I was told to change into new clothes. Literally a white shirt and white shorts. When the scientists leave, I climb onto my small little bed. It's not the softest thing you'll ever feel, but it's fine. I lay on my bed, my blindfold on a small desk near the bed, thinking about my life.

What did I do for my life to come to this point? My own mother selling me to a laboratory. Now that I think deeper about it...it's more fucked up then I thought it'd be. And she didn't even tell me! Why? Why tell me to grab my coat and close my eyes and then take me to a goddamn laboratory? 

I sigh and shut my eyes close before any tears get the chance of spilling out. I let out a stifled sob as I bury my face in my pillow. I don't want an owner. I don't want to be a rabbit! I don't even want to be here! Sorrowful thoughts filling my head, I finally fell asleep. I can't tell the difference between nightmares and reality anymore, because my life is basically my worst nightmare. In the morning I hear a soft voice calling me.

"015? Are you okay?" It was the cubicle next to mine. She was an average sized girl, with an Australian accent like mine,  but she was a wolf or dog experiment. I could talk to her through a small hole etched into the wall between us. 

"Y-yes...and it's Felix." I say. I unintentionally stutter but at this point, I don't care about it.

"Oh...so uhm Felix. I'm Rosé, Do you wanna talk or be friends?" she asks. I slowly nod. "Okay...so if you're comfortable with telling me...how did you get here?" Tears almost well up in my eyes but I blink them back.

"My...my mother sent me here. She sold me to the laboratory." I say in a tone barely above a whisper. 

"Oh...I'm so sorry. Well...I was sold by my father. He had always abused my mother until we filed a restraint to him, ur it only lasted six months. Those were the shortest six months ever." Rosé said. It seemed that she didn't care about it. Her voice didn't even quiver...but I didn't care if she was lying. At least I have something to do in this boring place. We talk on and on until one day Rosé had been assigned to her owner. I probably will never see her ever again. I sigh, back at square one. I'm just a lonely human-turned-rabbit in a lonely white room. More days pass, and I grow restless. I can't sleep and I can't focus during my tests. I finally get one night of sleep, but that's the day before I finally get my owner. 

"Lee Yongbok Felix! Come on up! You have an owner now!" The scientist sounded genuinely happy for me. I grabbed my blindfold and tied it over my eyes.  "Come here." The scientists said, gently grabbing my arm with a gentle voice. She led me to a main area where she introduced me to my owner. 

"Hello. You must be Yongbok." A man said with a kind voice. A fake type of kind.

"It's Felix..." I mutter. I hate it when people call me Yongbok. 

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you." he says.

"It's Felix!" I say, almost  yell.

"Felix...anyways, Mr. Hong, here's the extra's and Felix's be yours." the scientist said. Mr. Hong led me to his car and took my blindfold off forcefully and grabbed my collar, pinning me against he car seat.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Raising your voice?" He says. His whole demeanor had changed when we got to the car.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I just don't like people calling me Yongbok!" I apologize. 

"You know what? You're keeping this on all the time." He said. He grabbed a collar, supposedly the scientist had given it to him, and clipped it on my neck. "You stay behaved or you'll feel this!"   He clicked a button and I instantly felt shockwaves going through my body. 

"augh- ugh...I- s-s-stop...please" I managed to get out. My head was tilted upwards. The pain was insufferable. The days that I spent with Mr. Hong were insufferable. He was us me as a stress and anger relief. In the way you're thinking.  Soon enough, the lab found out after five years and too me back. Now...I'm twenty two years old and traumatized.


words: 1362

hey guys this is my first ff! 

i hope u guys like it <3

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