☆Poppies☆ - 12

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-Hyunjin POV- 


"Yes darling?" I say with a smirk, full intention to fluster him.

"You win." Felix says, looking away with obvious red ears.

I chuckle, heading towards the coat hanger and shoe closet.

"Where are you going?

"Out. To buy groceries," I say, slipping my leather coat on. "Want to come with me?"

"No, I'm going to read." He says.

"Alright then." I nod, heading out. 


     I park the car in the parking lot of our local Kroger.  My list today was eggs, kimchi, rice, milk (lactose free), strawberries, ice, skewers, flowers, and tomatoes. The chilly air hit me as I walked in, pushing the cart. through the many aisles. I see a beautiful bouquet of poppies near the Mother's Day section. I pick them up, hoping Felix would like them, picturing different scenarios of how he could respond. 

     After collecting the last item on my list, I go towards the checkout center. I scanned the eggs, flowers, milk, kimchi, and more. The plastic bag handles pull against my fingers. I load them into the trunk of my car, placing the bouquet in my passenger seat. 

     The drive back was peaceful, until I saw some maniac speeding. I squint my eyes, reading the license plate as a habit I picked up when I was young. 




Everything goes black as I feel something sharp go into my arm and head...

-Lix POV-

As I was finishing up my copy of 'Bridge to Terabithia,' feeling sad that Leslie had drowned, (sorry for spoiling) I got a call from Jennie. 


"Felix...something happened. To Hyunjin."

"What?! Tell me! Is he okay?"

"We don't know, but we do know that he got into a fatal car crash." 

"A what car crash?!" I exclaim into the phone, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Listen Lix, I'll give you a ride to the hospital so you can see him. I'm on my way already." 

"Jennie- will he be okay?" I frantically ask.

"Like I said, we don't know. All that we do know is that Seungmin is analyzing." 


"Dr. Kim, one of our friends, lead doctor of the nearby hospital." 


"I'm here. I'm waiting in the white Toyota." 

"Alright, I'm grabbing my jacket." I say, sniffling and hanging up.

I make my way to her car,  wiping my eyes and nose, red from crying and the cold.

The ride was awfully long and awfully silent. Once we had gotten to the ER building, I almost tripped when I was exiting the car. 

"Which room is H-Hwang Hyunjin- uh- in?" I frantically ask, almost forgetting some of my Korean.

"Who are you, do you have any connection to Mr. Hwang?" The receptionist asks.

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