✩Wind Down✩- 02

498 16 16

-Hyunjin POV-

"So Dr. Hwang, this is #015." Dr. Kim Jennie said to me. "Also, he has a bit of trauma from his past owner." I nod. Poor boy...he's probably been through many tough things.

"Do you know his name?" I ask.

"Well, I do because five years ago I was the person to help him here...but he told us to not tell anyone else his name. It's on the file though." Dr. Jennie says. 

"Alright." I nod.

"You can go in now, you know his cubicle, get to know him." Jennie says, motioning her arm to a near by cubicle. I see him, a boy that seems to be in his twenties? Sitting on the floor, reading the old Alice in Wonderland copy. I knock on his window lightly but I see him harshly flinch. Ahh...because he's a rabbit.

"May I come in?" I say, barely above a whisper.

"Y-yes." He manages to stutter. I push open the door to his cubicle and walk to him, sitting down next to him. 

"Hi 015. I'm Dr. Hwang Hyunjin, but you can call me Hyunjin." I start with. "So can you tell me a little bit about yourself if you're ready to?" 

"Uhm...I'm twenty two...I like to read, and uhm...I don't know." 015 concluded.

"Really? That's it? Could you tell me your name perhaps?" I ask. 

"Uh...not really..."

"Please? If you don't...I'll have to go through  the trouble of looking for your file." I frown. It's a sarcastic and fake frown, but I still hope that he falls for it.

"Okay." 015 just says. Wow...dry. But I proceed.

"Please just tell me your name. Please?"I say. I clasp his hands in mine, realizing how small they are, and beg him. "Please?"  Unintentionally, his body begins to get warmer. Oops.

"F-Felix.." he mutters. My eyes gleam. Finally!

"That's a wonderful name." I complement, letting go of his hands. 

"Thank you." he quietly says, not much above a whisper.

"So do you mind if I give you nicknames?" I ask.

"I don't mind I guess...just depends what it is." Felix says. 

-Felix POV-

I swear...if he calls me bunny or anything along those lines, I'll kill him. 

"Okay Lix!" he says. I wasn't expecting that. My body feels a lot warmer than normal. Is it a bit hot in here? Is the air conditioning malfunctioning? Oh no. "It's okay, Felix. Just breathe in and breathe out." why was he telling me this? I'm not even- oh I'm panting. I deeply breathe in and out. 

"Okay, that was a lot better." I sigh.

"That's good." Hyunjin says, flashing a smile. I could tell because his cheeks lifted up under the mask. 

"Okay...so why are you here?" I ask.

"Dr. Jennie said that she thought I would work well with you." He explains. Well, his demeanor is very welcoming and comforting. "So you like reading?" he asks

"Yeah...I do." 

"Oh? What genre?" 

"Oh, I like any sort of fiction." I explain.

"Oh, fiction. I like it too. There's this really good book called 'Cinderella is Dead'. I really liked it. If you want, I could bring it for you to read." 

"O-oh it's fine." I say, scratching my nape. I realize that my freckles aren't covered. My ugly. Ass. Freckles. I cover my nose and upper cheeks and then he looks at me odd.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing...just my...uhm...freckles." I say.

"What's wrong with your freckles?" he asks. He's such an idiot.

"They're hideous. I hate them so much. I don't know how I used to like them." I mumble with my voice lower then usually.

"No they're not. They're beautiful. Who told you that they're hideous?" 

"My old owner..." I mumble. 

"He must be a liar. Well, I'm gonna go back now. But, there's someone that wants to see you." Hyunjin says, getting up. I look towards the glass door, just to see Rosé waving at me, next to a scientist. And, she was wearing normal clothes. 

"Felix! There you are!" Rosé exclaims, running towards my cubicle. 

"Oh- Rosé! It's been so long!" I say. We chat for hours on end, catching up on each other's life. She was pretty much my only friend at the lab after my mother had deported me here. All my other friends just barely replied to my texts. Jeongin is the only one who says a bare "Hi" or "Good morning". Not even Chan, my closest friend. The last thing he said was "Oh no...I feel bad for you". That's it.  "Rosé, if you were famous, what would you want to do?" I ask.

"Uhm I'd probably be a singer or something. My mother was originally going to take me to auditions but it was too late." she says. Oh right. Her mother's dead.

"Oh. I think I'd be a singer too because I can go really deep- with my voice." I say. (pretend it's the like christmas evel or maniac voice)

"Oh wow." Rosé says, impressed with my voice. 

"Yeah," I say, my voice returning to my normal voice.

"I think that you'd make it" Rosé says. (he almost didn't 😭 i cried that episode)

"Aww thanks. What music do you like?" I ask.

"Oh, I like k-pop, like xxxxxx and xxxxxxx." she explains. (don't kill me i need names 😭)

"Oh I like orchestral. My favorites are Thomas Burgeson, Yu-Pang-Chen." I finish. Yeah, it's not a lot but there's more. Those are my top two though. I listen to music during after hours when scientists aren't here. 

-Hyunjin's POV-

"So Dr. Miyeon, what I'm trying to say is that the scientists caring for the more saddened experiments should let them live actual lives, like living in their scientist's home." I explain. 

"Okay Dr. Hyunjin. I will consider your request." Dr. Miyeon says.

"Okay, thank you so much!" I bow. 

"You're welcome. By the way, there's new experiments. Han Jisung, a twenty-two year old male experiment that is turned into an angel, meaning that he has wings, Lalisa Manobe, a twenty-six year old female experiment turning into an elf hybrid or something along those lines, and more. Here's the list," Dr. Miyeon says, handing me a clipboard. "You need to give them different owners that you think would work well with them. They're the more traumatized or saddened ones." 

"Okay then." I nod. I look through the list. The names I see are "Han Jisung", "Lalisa Manobe", "Banhg Christopher Chan", "Seo Changbin", "Yeh Shuhua", "Lee Yonngbok Felix", "Choi Jisu", and "Hwang Yeji".  I knew some of these people. Yeji used to be my high school friend, Felix is my patient, and Jisu is known as Lia for me. Well, she told me that when she went to school in the US, she went by Julia but a nickname would be Lia. (If that make sense bc i searched it up🤭) Well, I guess I must get stared. I checked off Felix's name and put my name next to it in my scientist handwriting. 


word count: 1136

hi guys this took a lot faster then i thought. k bye

edit from a few days later: im prob gonna continue this book after i finish blue opal so yeah. its on my main account which the link to is in my desc. go read it pls. it only has like 27 reads compared to c-53


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