☆Ouch☆ -08

227 10 15

warnings: lazy writing and not proofread

-Lix POV-

I wake up, another day not having a nightmare. That's the second day! I think sleeping with Hyunjin helps that though...

I pull out my phone to check the time, and see that my Notification Center is being blown up by messages. 


I open my phone to see that there are almost 150 unread from the group chat. 

aussies unite 



aww bye then


I close my phone to get out of bed and advance to the familiar bathroom. I remember that when I used to live with Olivia and Rachel, we had a small puppy who would greet us in the morning at the bathroom. 

I smile to myself and continue to walk, feeling the cold tile floor against my bare feet.  I, once again, woke up before Hyunjin, and got ready, showering, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and changing. 

I get out to see that Hyunjin already was up, and not in the bed anymore. I exited the main bedroom to go see if he was doing anything else, but he was just sitting at the table, with breakfast ready and scrolling on his phone, like a roommate, a normal person, not like he's my doctor, or owner. 

"Morning, Felix!" Hyunjin cheerily said, placing his phone down on the table, screen down. 

"Hi." I say, for once with some emotion. He flashes me a small smile, seeing that I finally have some sort of emotion apart from being monotone. 

"Are you ready for the tests today?" He asks, warmly.

"I guess." I say instead of mumbling. Character development.

"Nice. Well, you have to eat before you go." Hyunjin says, a gust of air escaping his nose as a small type of laugh. (how do i explain that help me-)

I nod shyly, giving a shy smile, and sit to eat. I pick up the chopsticks to grab for some kimchi to go with my rice along with some eggs. Hyunjin's really good at cooking. I eat mildly quickly and get up to put my dish away.

"You're not eating anymore?" He asks. I nod, placing my bowl into the sink and rinsing it with water. "Alright then." he says, also getting up to put his plates away. He wraps the leftover food with saran wrap and places them into the fridge. I don't grab my hat this time and just go to the car, sitting in the front passenger seat. 

Hyunjin enters, starting up the car and driving on the highway to the lab. I fell asleep, until I got woken up by Hyunjin's hands on my shoulder, shaking me gently. 



We walk into the lab, and I sit on the familiar seat that looks similar to a dentist seat. 

"Hi again, Felix," Dr. Jennie says in a soothing voice, the very same voice from the first time we met. I slightly nod, acknowledging her. "Alright." She smiles. I try to relax, and fall asleep, and I do succeed. 

-Hyunjin POV-

I waited for a bit. And a bit more. Gosh, I'm to lazy for this. 

I go to the nearby coffee store near the lab to order an iced-americano. I take a sip of it after receiving it, and feel the cool coffee distribute around my internal system. It not only cooled me down, but also energized me. I felt the extra adrenaline in my veins as I walked back to the lab. There, I saw Rosé and Felix talking to each other, seeming to have a good time. 

The two laughed together, looked at each other's phones and laughed. I felt myself smile and make my way over to him. 

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"It hurts, a lot." He says with a chuckle in his voice. I smile. 

"Can I see?" I ask.

He gives me a nod and pulls his hair behind his new- or re-gained ears. They're red, like they would be if you pinched them real hard, and they're there. I give him a smile.

"Are you ready to go yet?" I ask.

"Uh- maybe fifteen minutes?" He shyly requests.

"Of course." I chuckle. I make my way over to chat with the other scientists, Minho, Seungmin, Changbin, Minnie, and San. 

"Hey Jin!" Chingbin, loudly screams at me. I flinch and cover my ears, chuckling to myself. 

"Look's like someone is excited to see me." I tease. We chuckle. Jennie, Jisoo, Miyeon, and Soyeon were chatting together. It's funny how the scientists are young and split up into gender groups as if it were a group. I notice that Jisung is now chatting with Felix and Rosé. 

"How's Jisung?" I ask Minho.

"Chaos." He replies with a cold-like tone, but somehow still laced with humor. 

I laugh. "For me, I would assume that he's getting used to me." I smile. Through the corner of my eye, I see Felix glance over and smile a bit, as if he knows that I'm talking about him and is saying that I'm correct. 

"Nice. Chan is pretty." Changbin says. 

I choke on nothing.

"Uncalled for." San says 

"Very." I agree. Seungmin gives Changbin a light slap on his forearm and laughs along. Then Minho gives Seungmin a small slap on his forehead.

"Hey!" Seungmin retorts, brandishing nothing in his hand, as if he were to hit Minho with air.

"HEY-" Minho says, stepping back. 

"You see this is why Miyeon says we act like teenagers." San chuckles, facepalming.

"I want to become a singer." Minho says out of the blue.

"Why?" Seungmin says, scrunching his nose up. "You'd sound like a crying Soonie." Seungmin laughs.

"Don't bring Soonie into this!" Minho says, playfully balling up his fists, ready to attack. I laugh at the whole situation, of Seungmin and Minho's endless bickering. Suddenly, my phone's timer goes off. 

"Oh, I got to go now," I say. "Bye guys. I'll see you tomorrow." I walk backwards, seeing their waves. I make my way towards Felix's small group, now joined by Chan. 

"Felix, are you ready?" I ask, gently.

"Oh- yeah. let's go now." He says, cheerily for a first. I can't help but grin to see his happy demeanor. We both walk back to the car, the familiar silver Lexus, to be driven back to the house we shared.


words: 1039

sorry it took like a month!

idk why it took so long tho, probs procrastination.

anyways, goodnight sunnies!

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