☆Dream☆- 09

236 6 34

warning: some action + severe character development 

-Lix POV-

I sighed as I tried to wipe the white sticky gel off of my face. Why was I so sloppy with this? I sighed again to get yet another tissue to rub it against my face, barely anything coming off. I try to feel the uneven layer of it to then find out something. It was dry. 


"Why is foundation so hard to remove!" I yell out. I hear Hyunjin chuckle in our room. Foundation was easy to put on, but quite hard to remove. 

"Try using make up removal!" Hyunjin yells back.

"Which damn bottle is it!" I yell back, frustrated as I hear a few more chuckles from Hyunjin. 

"This one." He says, pointing at a clear bottle with a black cap. 

"Thank you." I say, make my words longer. I squirt the liquid onto the tissue and wipe my face with it, my freckles finally coming to view after over an hour. He smiles at the success.

"Well, you can deal with that." He says, walking out of the bathroom. I decide to give up on foundation and just highlight my eyes a bit to cover up the dark circles and we're ready. 

"You're looking nice today." Hyunjin remarks.

"So I don't look nice everyday?" I ask sarcastically.

"Of course you look nice everyday." He says with a chuckle.

Out of muscle memory, I stray towards the coat hanger which had my hat on it. I reach out for the hat when I feel Hyunjin grab my hand. 

"You don't need your hat, remember?" Hyunjin says with a smile.

"Right." I chuckle.

He releases my hand from his grasp and we walk towards to car. Damn, we go to the car a lot. The silver Lexus sat in the garage, waiting to be driven. 

-at night-

With our groceries and accessories, we start the drive back to the house.

Or so I thought. 

He instead took an awkward turn, going off of the highway and near a half-deserted place.

What was he thinking?!

"Uhh- Hyunjin- you're going the wrong way." I stammer.

"I know. Just wait, I'm not going to do anything to you." He reassures me. He makes another turn which takes us to a rural area, the types in between cities. (that's how it is in texas so-)

He stops at a park area. With clear sky's too. 

"We're here." Hyunjin says, unbuckling his seatbelt. 

"Okayy." I drag my words, unbuckling my seatbelt. It was a hill, no buildings or grafitii. Just a hill.

"Lay down," He smiles at me, patting the grass next to him. I prop myself down and lay down back. "Look. The stars. They look like your freckles." He points out. "They're beautiful like you and your freckles." He giggles. I feel my cheeks burn up and try to look the other way to avoid him from seeing me blushing. 

He turns towards me, extending his arms out to wrap me into a hug while laying down. I suppress a smile as I wrap my tiny hands around his arms. I fully embrace the hug and close my eyes peacefully. 

Minutes later, I turn towards him, smiling softly. I bury my face into the crook of his neck, feeling his warmth. He plants a small gentle kiss on my head. I feel my body heat up, as if I were in a sauna, the tingly sensation on my back. I look up, just for Hyunjin to press his lips into mine. 

He didn't rush anything, just a soft, gentle, sweet kiss. 

On a hill, stargazing, in a kiss. This is my greatest dream. After Hyunjin pulls away, I feel myself flush red. I lay my head on his lap, drowsily staring at the stars. My eyes feel heavy, drooping down. I fall asleep.

-in the morning- (stan itzy <3)

The sunlight filters through the windows as I open up my eyes. 

Damn it.

It was a dream. 

It seems I can't have what I want these days!

Hyunjin appears in the door way with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"Did you like it?" Hyunjin asks.

"Like what?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, my eyebrows furrowed. 

"Stargazing last night?" He says, reminding me. 

"I thought that was a dream...uhm." I say, my words trailing off. I feel a blush creep across my face. Hyunjin chuckles.

"By the way, there's no tests this weekend. Maybe some on Tuesday or Wednesday for a monthly check up but that's about it." He explains. 

"Ah." I say, trying to take my mind off of the kiss from last night. Which actually did happen. 

"You're still wearing your clothes from last night though. I didn't want to wake you up." He explains, sounding awkward. 

"I'll change later." I say, wanting to lay down, but my body disobeys and gets up. I notice the Kuromi hat we bought for him to match with my Cinnamoroll one. Ah. So it did happen. 

I stray towards the closet, taking out black cargo pants and a baggy white shirt to change into. I remove my current shirt, changing into the cool white shirt. 

As I get to my pants, I awkwardly turn to Hyunjin, seeing him smile and exit the room, closing hte door behind him. I strip my pants off, pulling the cargo pants on. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I exit the room, walking through the corridor calmly. 

"What's for breakfast?" I ask.

"I'm too lazy to cook today. Do you want to eat out?" He asks, swiping on his phone. 

I chuckle.

"Sure. I'm going to get my shoes." I say nonchalantly. I go get my boots and pull the on. I turn back to see Hyunjin pushing his hair back. (i forgot what hair color i gave him) 

"Ready?" He asks, putting his phone into his pocket. 

"Yeah. Lets go." I say.


words: 969




the struggles of being an author :(


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