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She made it to her door and barely touched her doorknob before she heard a creak behind her. It was dark in the hallway, she froze. The room behind her was Minho's. "Come here. Now." She heard a voice behind her say in a harsh whisper. When she didn't move, she felt a cold hand grab her arm in a firm, painful grip.

Before she knew it she was being dragged into Minho's room and the door was shut behind her. She stared up into his cold brown eyes with her wide and fearful bright blue ones. He moved his hand up, causing her to flinch and prepare to be slapped. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the impact as she pressed her back to his door harder. She wished the door would suck her in.

When she slap never came, she peeked up at him, finding his hand pointing to a spot in his room and a concerned confused look in his eyes. Within milliseconds, he blinked it away and his eyes were back to their previous coldness. "Go over there. Now. If I have to drag you, I'll punish you." He stated harshly. She immediately went to the spot he told her to. "Sit." He commanded as if she was a dog.

She sat down on the floor and looked up at him, fear coursing through her entire being. He had glared at her earlier when she simply sat by him. He terrified her. He grabbed his desk chair and spun it around, putting the back of the chair right in front of her face. Then he sat on it, facing her, looking down on her. She had to strain her neck a bit to look up at him. That's what he wanted. He wanted her to feel inferior.

"I'll cut straight to the chase, runt. We don't want you here. Well, some of us do now. But some of us still don't, myself included. We only have to pretend to like you for our fans. I'm going to set a couple ground rules, and if you're smart, you'll follow them."

"Rule #1, you're going to pretend like your life here is happy, perfect, everything you dreamed of while in front of anyone that doesn't live here. So, in front of anyone that isn't us 8 members, you're the luckiest girl to live. Understood?" He raised a eyebrow, daring her to not give an answer. When she simply nodded, he suck in a breath, irritated. "Words." "Y-yes sir..."

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Rule #2, you're to do as your told at all times. If I tell you to jump, you jump." He leaned forward, his face inches from hers. "Do I make myself clear?" "Y-yes sir..." He sat back up. "Good. Now that you know those two rules...." He paused. He was going to tell her to get lost, but he remembered he had to drag her in his room because she didn't move like she was told to.

He also just wanted to have some fun with her, since he was stuck with her being here. Plus, he'd be damned if she took Jisung from him. He already had to hear Jisung talk about how cute she was. He narrowed his eyes at her, her big terrified blue eyes stared back up at him. His heart melted a bit, but he shook it off as it only pissed him off more. "Go stand in that corner over there. Nose touching the wall, one leg up, and arms up straight in the air. I'll tell you when you can leave." He instructed. She slowly looked over at the corner he was talking about before reluctantly getting up and going to do as he told.

"If I hear a peep out of you, you'll stand there longer." "Y-yes sir..." Was all she mumbled as she got into the position he had instructed her to. Not even 5 minutes in and her arms burned, her leg burned, she was a bit wobbly too. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, trying to fight through it, trying to not make a sound. She held her breath before slowly breathing out and sucking in another breath slowly. She imagined a happy home, a happy family, people who loved her. She imagined if her mom was still alive. She wouldn't even be here. Her dad never would have hurt her.

She accidently triggered a memory. She felt herself start to panic as she started to have a flashback. Luckily she didn't get too far in when Minho finally, after however long it had been, spoke up in an annoyed voice."You can go now. Get lost." She hurried out of his room, quietly closing the door behind her, and ran into her room where she quietly shut the door behind her. She put her back to the door and slowly slid down, sitting with her knees to her chest as she tried to calm herself. She was breathing hard and fast, she knew if she didn't calm it she'd start hyperventilating.

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