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Raine stood, shocked. The woman, her aunt or grandma, stood with her mouth covered and her hand over her heart. The man, her uncle or grandpa, was on his knees in front of her, cupping her face and crying. "My god.... You look just like her.." The man said in English with an Australian accent just like Felix's. His voices wasn't as deep though.

"Wh-who..? Who do I look like?" Raine replied in perfect english. She was thankful she remembered enough to form full sentences English. The man widened his eyes at Raine before looking up at Felix. "She remembers English... Why didn't you tell us? You look like my mother darling." The man, Felix's dad, turned his attention back to her. "I wanted it to be a surprise." Felix chuckled.

"Come! Come inside! Let's all have some lunch and treats. Felix, you're doing the baking." His mom said. Everyone laughed as they followed the family inside. Minho patted Raines head as she walked with them all. After a few days, Raine had gotten very close to her new grandma and grandpa. Then, she shocked everyone with one simple question. "Can I meet everyone's families? Since you're all my adopted father's....."

And that's how she ended up taking longer online schooling while they traveled more. After she had met and spent time with everyone's families, including their pets, the boys went on tour again earlier than originally planned. Raine was all caught up on her school work, plus doing some extra credit assignments. They also did a live after they left Felix's parents, showing Stays that she was awake and doing better. Raine pulled out her new phone as she relaxed on the couch of the tour bus.

She opened a text from Minsu and began typing back. Minsu didn't get on her phone much, but she would occasionally check in on Raine when they couldn't see each other. After she texted Minsu back, she went to one of her games and began to play it.

Over the next month, Raine got very comfortable in the spotlight. She had even joined them on stage a few times. She had surprised them all the first time by running up on stage. It wasn't her idea though, it was jyp's. She had been given a secret mission. She was suppose to attach herself to Chan's leg and stay attached for 10 minutes. She was successful, but then they made her sing with them and dance with them. From there, it became a thing.


A couple years had passed, Raine was about to turn 10yrs old in a few weeks. A lot had happened in the last 2yrs. Her father committed in prison, her former step mother and half sister moved so far away that Raine would never have to see them again. Hana had apologized to Raine eventually, and while Raine forgave her, she didn't want anything to do with her or Haru. Minsu got adopted by a lovely couple who had 3 younger boys already.

Raine had laughed at Minsu's face when she found out she was the older sister of 3 rowdy boys. Of course, this got her tackled by Minsu and then the 3 younger boys joined in as well. Minsu had gotten the last laugh that day. Soomin got married finally and managed the orphanage with her husband. Raine would often visit when she could. When she wasn't traveling, she was volunteering at the orphanage to help with the younger kids.

Raine sat on her bed, drawing on her Ipad. When she heard a knock on her door, she looked up to see Hyunjin. "Hey mini sunshine. You wanna come down and eat a snack? We're all wondering what you've decided for your birthday theme and the type of presents you want. We also wanted to ask you something else." Hyunjin chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm coming." Raine put her Ipad up and stood up from her bed, stretching in the process. He smiled at her before going back downstairs to the kitchen table where there now sat 4 full trays of freshly cooked brownies. "Felix, you've outdone yourself... Again." Jeongin chuckled as he stared down at the trays in front of him. "I know. Don't touch them, they're hot." Felix smiled.

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