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Honolulu Hawaii 📍
"Love me for reasons I can't understand
You fall in love in a beautiful way"

Wedding Day

"You ready?" EJ asked Dream as him and Trey took the sides of her arms

She took a deep breath before nodding

"I'll let them know your ready to start" Dontae's mom said walking out of the room

After letting the pastor know that they were ready Donate's mom went to talk to donate

"Hey ma" he said with a big smile on his face shaking

"You ready" she asked as they hugged and he nodded hyping himself up

"As ready as I can be" he looked down at his voice before putting them inside his suit pocket

"You'll be fine, im sure the two of you will have a wonderful life together but I do want you to know that Simone didn't show. I haven't told DJ yet" the 50 year old spoke

"Don't tell him, just let him go through the night. I want him to have fun while we're on this island" Tae retorted and his mother respected his wishes

All of the groomen beside Trey and EJ walked out with the bridesmaids following behind

It was now donate then to walk down the isle is his red velvet suit with accents of white accessories

"Pastor Johnson" Donate nodded clearing his throat

"Mr.James" he sent one back to him out of respect

Before Dontae dapped up all of his groomsmen and giving the bridesmaids kissing on their cheek

"All rise" the pastor told them and beautiful way by August Alasina Played as all of the boys walked in with DJ holding a brief case which concealed the rings

The girls followed behind placing down flowers with dream slowly walking behind as she was escorted by her brothers EJ and Trey

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man" the pastor asked

"We do" Trey answered as he handed her off to donate

EJ and Trey both gave her a kiss on the cheek before dapping up Donate

EJ took his spot behind Dream and infront of JJ while Trey took his spot behind Dontae infront of Key

"Before we started, is there anyone who has a good reason why this couple should not be married before for speak now or forever hold your peace" The pastor looked down at his Bible as the entire wedding party besides the kids pulled up either their dress or their vest showing a Glock 19 making the crowd laugh

"Y'all done" the pastor asked waiting for everyone to hide their weapons

"Yessir" Donate said at the finished fixing their clothes

The Pastor said everything he needed to say now it was time for the vows

"Go first" Donate told Dream after they argued for 60 seconds

"Fine" she said turning to EJ to grab her not book from his

She held her hand out to DJ and he walked infront of her

"Dear DJ, it had been and honor and a privilege to be able to watch you grow and raise you as your mom. You came in my life bringing happiness I didn't know was possible, your rid my fears of hanving and raising a child. I love waking up everyday and watching you grow into a better person, son, brother and friend. To think that I've been in your life for almost 8 years now is heart warming. Today I not only vow to love your dad forever but I vow to always be your mom and love you no matter what happens. I want you to know that just because life starts off bad for good people like us. It doesn't mean we can't have a good life. I know that I'm not your biological mom and that I can never replace her. But remember you always have a place with me. Love momma" she said as tears rolled down her and Donates face

The 9 year old boy hugged Dream tightly as tears flowed from his eyes she kissed his cheek and wiped his tears before he took his placed back on the stage

"Donate, the sun to my moon. The headache I haven't been able to shake since I was 18. You found a broken confused girl and somehow mad her whole again. You helped her find her purpose and forced her to face her fears. You gave me 3 beautiful babies and gave me a life I never imagined having. If I never met you I'd probably be dead by now because of the things I held in. I love you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, always supporting me and always pushing me to be a better version of myself" Dream finished her vows leaving the room in complete tears and silence

"How do I compete with that" he said wiping his eyes making everyone laugh

"Baby, I love you for starters and I appreciate you for putting up with me even after I had a kid on you" she nodded with a smile on her face

"I appreciate you for giving me 2 beautiful kids and raising my son as your own. You make me better everyday just by being you. I became a better man because of you. If you asked my family if I'd get married before meeting you they would say HELL NO. When I met you I was shy and just now coming out of my shell, I was quiet and sneaky. With you I have a life that I love waking up to. I love your laugh, I love making you laugh. I love the way you chew on your jaw when you're focused even when I tell you to stop. I love when you purposely annoy me because you're just bored in the moment. And I love how great you are to our kids. I hope to live a full complete life with you and our family that we've created. I love the traditions we started and can't wait to start more. I love you Dream, I always have and I forever will" Donate finished kissing her on her cheek wiping her tears

After their vows the Pastor continued with the ceremony

"Do you Donate take Dream to be your wife"

"I do"

"Do you Dream take Donate to be your husband, remember this is forever now" the pastor said making them laugh

"I do" Dream said with a voice full of joy and happiness

"You may kiss your pride" the couple kissed and they finally became Mr. And Mrs. James


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Longer Chapter!
Wedding Went Well !
Simone still making unkeepable promises
Time jump next chapter ?
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Getting ready to close out this book 2 more chapters

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