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Denver Colorado 📍
"Keep your head up, you don't never wanna put your head down in the trenches"

"Officer Mills, is there an update on the Steven's case" the reporter asked the officer as they came out of the police department

"The murder weapon has been found and we sent it in for testing, that's alll I can say at the time" he proceeded to walk through the crowd and get inside his car leaving

"I thought you threw that shit in a river D" EJ asked Donate as they turned off the news

"I did, maybe that shit washed up. But I know for a fact my prints won't be found on it but them boys is a different story" he said and they went into dad mode

"What up pop" Eric said walking in the House with DJ behind him

The boys sat down there things on their way into the kitchen as the two days stood at the island grabbing a bottle of Hennessy

"They found it" Donate poured a glass of the brown alcoholic drink and gulped it down

"Found what, yall drink at 2 in the afternoon now" Donate asked grabbing a go-gurt from the fridge

"The gun, and they sent it in for testing" EJ did the same thing pouring them both another glass

"Mom know" DJ asked now scared out of his mind

"I don't know but look yall gotta stay low, real low. I remember when this shit Happened with Keys it was hot for a minute then it died down once we was abled to get the club back to running" EJ spoke and the boys nodded

"Did you box up the stuff I asked for" DJ asked his father and his dad nodded drinking form his glass again

"Ok cool, imma go take that to Bri and come back please stop drinking before mom and Auntie Hazel get over here" DJ grabbed the box and his things from the counter

"Where Ky?"

"Oh he got suspended for arguing wit a teacher or something so him and Auntie J into it and he can't leave the house" DJ told his Uncle

The boy left heading to Brianna's house leaving Eric, EJ and Donate Sr to have a talk about everything

"What you got for me" the detective asked

"We ran the gun for prints and there was 5 but only 3 we could get a clear reading off"

"Ok names"

"Jacey Stevens our victim and 2 of his best friends, Donate James Jr and Eric Sanders"

"Donate James, that name sounds familiar. Did you do a background check"

"Mr. Sanders had one charge of assault after he got in an altercation at school and the boy pressed charges when he was 17 he got kicked out of school and hasn't been in any trouble since. He was an all A student and a basketball star his father owns the club"

"Ok and what about James did you run him?"

"Yes sir, Mr. James has no criminal record he's a 16 year old track start with all A's, his father is the son of Derrick James ex- Mayor and owner of that restaurant down town and James Dealership"

"I want them in for questioning get ahead of this before Mr. James uses his resources and gets away from us"



"I understand Bri, I didn't come to try to win you back I brought you your stuff and I wanna grab mines while I'm hear. I can't be out to long tho so can I come in" the boy asked and she let him in taking the box of her thing from him

"So what now? I heard they found the gun" she tried to make conversation and DJ wasn't really feeling it but didn't want to be rude

"Ion know, prolly get questioned but we already got a story and that was Jace gun anyway so my prints was only on there form that night and when we went to the gun range that day" he shrugged of gathering his belongings

"Whatever happens just know I still love you and I still care about you, I just don't want to jeopardize my future over this. I promise I'll never tell anyone what I saw" she said which was the wrong thing to say

"What did you see" DJ stared at her giving her a blank look but you could see darkness behind his eyes

This sent Chills down Brianna's spine but she knew what she had to say

"Nothing" she walked away going back into the kitchen

DJ finished grabbing his things then left the girls house heading back home


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Shorter Chapter!
DJ and Brianna Done!
They found the gun!?
Will Brianna tell on DJ?
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Getting ready to close out this book

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