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Denver Colorado 📍
"No more second chances"

"DJ! Ky!" Dream called the boys name to come downstairs after the group of friend had finally finished setting up their party and all of their friends were outside waiting for them

The boys slowly went downstairs as they ripped their attention away from the play station 5 which held 2k on it

"Y'all gotta close yall eyes" JJ told them as both moms went behind the boys covering their eyes

"Ma I can't walk" DJ said laughing as he stumbled over his feet

"I got you D cmon just walk" she guided him to the sliding back door leading to the backyard filled with people

"Ky don't walk to fast you come bump DJ" JJ said still covering the now 10 year old eyes

Today was DJ's birthday but Kyaire and DJ were sharing a party because while they were 2 years apart their birthday was within the same week

DJ was born June 15 and Kyaire the 10

They stood the boys in the middle of the door way before moving away

"Don't open yet" Dream said moving to record the boys reaction to the set up for her vlog

"3 2 1" the crowd of people all counted down for the boys to open their eyes

First they smiled from all of the friends and family that surrounded them then they looked at out door movie set up that also had a gaming area

Next they spotted the area where Dream had set up for them to have a nerf gun war with all the boys

The younger kids had a bounce house and the built in trampoline

"Y'all go have fun" Dream said seeing that the boys wanted to run around after a while a few guest left leaving only DJ and Kyaire few friends that were staying for a sleepover and the friend group of adults watching Disney movies out back

"Sorry I'm late" a voice said causing everyone to look back

"I brought you a gift DJ" Simone said walking towards them

"Why are you here" DJ asked looking at her like she was crazy

"It's your birthday I couldn't miss your birthday"

"You missed the last 7" he stood his ground DJ had some deep rooted anger towards his mom now that he was older

"DJ I get your mad but don't be disrespectful" Dontae jumped in

"It's only disrespectful cause it hurt her feelings" he shrugged

"Lil boy- okay D you and Ky show your friends where yall sleeping and we'll get the night activities started in a little bit" Dream jumped him

DJ smacked his lips together heading inside leaving behind everyone making Kyaire do what they were just told alone

"Simone. Why you ain tell nobody you was coming?"

"You said I was welcomed any time- that doesn't mean show up unannounced" Dream cut her off

"Are you high?" Trey asked and she looked him up and down ignoring the question

"This is why DJ doesn't want you around, he understands now. He knows that you choose drugs over him and when you do choose him it's only cause you want money to get 'clean'" Dontae said making Simone feel worse then she did already

"Dontae stop" Dream said but he ignored her

"Why do you always come around just when he gets over the fact that you don't want him"

"Dontae stop" dream grabbed his hand grabbing his attention

"Take Dei in the house and let me talk to her" he hesitantly did what was asked

"Y'all too" Dream looked over at the group of friends looking around at the sky

They slowly walked inside closing the door behind them

"You should've called but it's ok. Now Simone we can't give you anymore money unless you need it for something responsible after getting clean. I can't make DJ talk to you and hear you out but I will make sure he doesn't disrespect you because I don't want him saying something he might regret" Dream said and she nodded crying as she tried to wipe your tears

"Now I can take him the gift and fix you a plate with food and cake and some drinks for a few days but that's it. I don't care if your high or weed or Xanax you shouldn't be high at all. I know you have a job and you're living in your car, but you haven't proven that you can be completely clean. So I'm sorry but I can't help you"

"I understand and food would be nice. I appreciate you dream, thank you for everything" she said continuing to cry

Dream fixed Simone a bag full of food, water, blankets, first aid, and hygiene products and gave it to her

Simone handed Dream her gift for DJ then left, Dream went inside seeing everyone was scattered around the house doing their own thing and found DJ in his room alone

She sat the gift next to him on the bed and sat down

"I don't want it" he said looking at Dream

"I promised her I'd give it to you, now you can choose to open it or not or to accept it or not but I'm not gonna make you"

DJ waited until everyone was asleep and snuck from the basement where his sleep over was being held and into his room

He opened the gift seeing a a small basket with a basketball goal that hung on his door

A card of her wishing him a happy birthday with $300 inside

A picture collage of the two of them from when he was a baby

And the newest pair of Jordan's, DJ smiled cause he had begged for those shoes but didn't get them for his birthday he might been angry with his mom but he appreciated his gift

DJ sat the Collage next to his other pictures of him and his family then placed his shoes in his clear cases and headed back to the basement to lay back on the couch before anyone checked on them and fell asleep holding the basketball


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Simone coming back again?!
Is DJ in a wrong?
Time jump next chapter ?
Comment and Vote pls💕
Getting ready to close out this book 2-4 more chapters coming tho

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