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After my boring speech i got to ho to my room where my suitcases were already standing, "damn that Alexander boy is great" i mumble to myself.

I unpack everything and sit down on my surprisingly comfortable bed. "What would his name be?" I start thinking "Alejandro? too royal... Maybe luca? Maybe. But doesn't fit his voice, guess I'll find out tomorrow" i say exhausted. I close my curtains and lock my door, connect my airpods to my phone and put on some music, as some Omar Rudberg starts playing coast side in my ears, i fall asleep peacefully.

My dreams of that mysterious boy get knocked out by my alarm. It's 7am already. I sit up and grab my phone, turning the alarm off and let myself fall back down on my bed again with a sigh. My first day of school, how wonderful. I rub my eyes and look at my phone to see what messages I've gotten through the night, only my brother and my mom. I sigh and get up from my bed. I get dressed in my surprisingly not prince like clothes and look in my mirror to fix my hair, as i hear a knock at my door. "Yes? Who's there?" I ask. I hear the Alexander boy's voice through the door "breakfast is in 5 minutes" he says, as he continues to the next door. I fix my hair fast and head to the dining room for breakfast.

As i sit down i notice that the mysterious boy isn't there. Where could he be? Doesn't he live at the school? After i ate my breakfast the first lesson starts, English may i add. I walk to the classroom and sit down on an empty seat, i see the mysterious boy and smile softly at him. The lessons starts and i hear him speak up about royalty and rich people. "It's not like your father has to do something to eatn money" i hear him say in an annoyed voice. I look up and notice the teacher looking quite annoyed as he says to the mysterious boy, " Simon it's enough now, no need to say those kinds of things to other students".

Simon. That's his name.

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