Four // He's practically a Care-Bear

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"I never make the same mistake twice

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"I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times just to be sure."

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    THE PATTER OF FOOTSTEPS distracted Adeline from where she'd been staring almost longingly at the glass of Bourbon Stefan had just poured

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    THE PATTER OF FOOTSTEPS distracted Adeline from where she'd been staring almost longingly at the glass of Bourbon Stefan had just poured. But sadly, Addie didn't drink around people didn't know—didn't like the idea of spilling her guts to strangers when her inhibitions were lowered.

Slowly, Addie tore her eyes away from the small bar behind the couch, watching as her best friend came to stand on the left side of the fireplace.

The woman from last night—Rose, her name was—had her hands braced just back just behind Addie. She'd engaged in a bit of small talk with the woman, and Addie actually found her quite agreeable. She made Addie laugh, and in her books that was the beginning of a friendship.

    They had talked about Lexi, Stefan even joining once in a blue moon to voice some hilarious memory he had of the blonde woman. It was nice—nostalgic. She enjoyed talking about her best friend, it felt as though she was keeping her memory alive; honoring her, in a way.

    Though throughout most of the conversation, Addie was trying to place that familiar feeling she got from Rose. Adeline was near positive they had met before, and had been searching her mind for the memory since the woman had walked through the door.

    Adeline's attention deterred from Rose and Stefan as footsteps echoed through the sitting room. She looked up, turning her head to watch as Damon filed in with an almost meek looking Elena on his heels.

    The doppelganger paused at the edge of the room, her eyes widening slightly as her stare landed on Rose.

    "You." Elena whispered.

    Awkward silence ensued.

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𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐱 𝐊𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now