Six // How many boys do you have wrapped around your finger?

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· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood

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"Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

    ADELINA WAS RUNNING again, her feet carrying her as she laughed and laughed. Free and careless, as she'd used to be.

    Her arms were outstretched at her sides, wind blowing on a swift wind, pulling the soft scents of flower and pine into her nose. "Make haste!" she yelled out, slowly coming to a stop as she realized they weren't behind her. "We'll miss it!"

    It was early, and the sun had not yet risen. Stars still sparkled in the sky, and the inky black pit above them gathered all the light of the world and stole it away in it's midnight clutches. She didn't mind. Adelina quite enjoyed the night.

    She paused for a moment, closing her eyes and allowing the scent of the fresh air to invade all of her senses. Somehow, someway, she knew the air didn't taste like this anymore. Didn't smell so flowered and fresh.

    Adelina basked in it. Allowed it to consume her in these fleeting moments of bliss.

    She couldn't remember how she got here, or who she was. She just knew that this was her life, how it had always been.

    Adelina turned, looking back at the edge of the small clearing as the first drops of sunlight began to descend on the land. She looked at her begrudging siblings as they walked bleary eyed into the meadow overlooking the village. They could see the sunrise best from here.

    "Then let us miss it!" Astrid yelled back to her, annoyed and clearly tired. Usually her sister was a sweet thing, kind and happy. Aside from when Adelina woke her up early. Then she became the devil herself.

Adelina didn't care. She wanted to watch the land light up with all the bright colors. And willing or not, her siblings were going to come with.

    They caught up seconds later, Adelina's twin coming to stand at her side as he scowled at anything that moved. "It's far too early for this, 'Lina."

    "That's the point, you big oaf." she smacked his shoulder. "Chipper up. It won't be long now."

    "It's been too long already." Astrid grumbled.

    Adelina smacked her too.

    Normally, she would be the one complaining. Not today though. Today was a good day. And Adelina was determined to force her siblings to enjoy it.

    Astrid hissed, rubbing her shoulder where she'd just been smacked. "I'm going tackle you." Astrid warned.

    "Fine." Adelina retorted. "Just do it after we're done here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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