Kick Me Please (Maddie)

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"OH SHUT UP!!!" You yell at Monoma. You kick him while expanding your foot, and your cousin expands her fist to punch him at the same time.
"WOULD YOU GUYS STOP THAT?!?!" He yells back. You've been doing this to him the whole semester.
"NO!!!" You hit him again.
Later on, your class and Class 1-A will be paired up for a sparring match. You're excited. While you don't hate them like how Monoma does, you still get irritated with how they get everything, and how they 're just so spoiled. Monoma begins going on his rant about how he'll beat them up, and you respond with an eye roll, then expand your foot to kick him between the legs. That's when Class 1-A comes out, and they cringe.
"I hurt for him." The redhead from the other class says.
"Oof." The blonde boy with yellow eyes simply says. You smile at them.
"Sorry 'bout that." You begin. "Monoma is a real pain, so sometimes I just gotta kick it outta him." You smile.
"Okay then." They all say.
You end up getting paired with Monoma and Bakugou (from Class 1-A), and will be against Kinoko, Shoji, and Sero.
Youre dreading this. Both of your teammates are so loud. Do they ever shut up? In the middle of the simulation, you kick the both of them.
For awhile, you and Bakugou try and fight, and then Monoma jumps to your side (more afraid of you than the other blonde). It ends in chaos, and your team loses. You decide to blame them.
"AS IF!!!" You retaliate.
Once again, you're arguing. Monoma sighs. He feels like he's been replace. Will Bakugou be your new focus? Will you ever notice him again? He just walks out of the room, sad. She's supposed to kick me. What's so good about that 1-A jerk anyway? It should be me. Not him.
Later, you notice that Monoma disappeared. In the middle of Bakugou ranting, you just walk of to try and find him. That's when you see him arguing with someone from 1-A. Again. You sigh, grab him by the ear, apologize, then walk out while dragging him with you, scolding him the whole way to your classroom.
It seems like you're always arguing with Bakugou, and Monoma just can't stand it. You kick him. You yell at him. You're supposed to be constantly annoyed by him. So why are you always doing that with the other blonde? It isn't fair. No.
He resolves to make you as angry as possible. All he does is annoy you at any chance he gets. Since he sits behind you in class, he'll poke your face or something. Needless to say, you kick the life out of him after class (and he almost likes it until he remembers the pain).
Every time you turn around, he's picking a fight with Class 1-A's students. So constantly you're going to save him before somebody else beats him up. That's your job, and you won't tolerate anyone else doing it.
Right now, you're sitting on your cousin's couch. Kendo is listening to you rant about Monoma.
"He's just getting worse." You say. "I'm about ready to murder him."
"I know. He's awful."
"I don't even no what's wrong with him. It wasn't this bad before. After that time we went up against 1-A and lost, it's like it flipped a switch or something."
"Maybe he's just embarrassed?"
"Maybe. Even so, I'm tired of it."
"Me too."
"He has no reason to be this way. Pride shouldn't cause you to be a thorn in everybody's side."
"It isn't. But maybe that isn't it."
"What else could it be?"
"Maybe he's tryna get somebody's attention." She wiggles her brows at you.
"Ah don't tell me he likes one of those 1-A prissy twigs." She shakes her head.
"No. I don't think so."
"Then who?"
"You!" You cringe, then throw a pillow at her.
"Think about it: now that you're always fighting with Bakugou, maybe he's jealous."
"Jealous of me kicking the crap outta somebody?"
"I never said Monoma was smart." You shake your head.
"Why would he even want my attention?"
"He may like you."
"But why? I'm not even pretty."
"I think you are very pretty.
"Am not." You stick out your tongue. "Now leave me alone. I'm gonna go make chicken nuggets and contemplate all the ways I could kill Monoma." You walk into the kitchen.
"For somebody that hates him," your cousin calls out. "You seem to talk and think about him a lot!"
Kendo has gotten to school a little early, and sees that Monoma is also there. She's about to greet him until she sees that he's crying. Her brows knit together, and then she sits beside him.
"You okay?" He wipes his tears away.
"Why were you crying?"
"I wasn't. Why would the great, amazing, Neito Monoma be crying?" His voice cracks a little at the end.
"You can tell me. Sometimes talking it out is good." He rests his head on the desk.
"I've been replaced."
"With who and over what?"
"Your cousin has replaced me with Bakugou. She used to kick me, yell at me, scold me, and would just give me all of her attention-even though it was slightly negative. But's all on that Bakugou guy. I can't believe this."
"She still gives you lots of attention."
"Not really. She barely even talks about me."
"Why does it bother you? Why are you so desperate for her attention?"
"I like her."
"Yeah. But she hates me. She hates me and won't even look at me."
"Despite what she says, she doesn't hate you. She'll deny it to the grave, but she's always talking about you."
"Really?" His head shoots up. "What does she say?
"That you're annoying and how she wants to kill you most days." His head slumps back down onto the desk.
"See? She hates me."
"You're the only guy she ever talks about, period. I'm telling you. She may not realize it, but I'm sure that she likes you."
"That's too unrealistic."
"Just tell her how you feel. I'm sure she'll accept you."
"I won't. She'll just kick me then walk away."
"Don't you want her to kick you anyway?"
He bolts away, though she isn't sure where he's trying to go. Class is starting soon.
"What?" You're shocked. Monoma holds out flowers, and has just said he likes you. He's sure you'll reject him, but he also knows that you'll be so angry about this he'll have your attention again. Then he can build up from there.
"I like you. Please be my girlfriend."
"Is this some type of joke?"
"No. I really do like you."
You think on it a bit. Monoma isn't terrible. Even though you say you hate him, you know that you don't. Your cousin's words echo in your head, "For somebody that hates him, you seem to talk about him a lot! You bite your lower lip. You probably do like him. It wouldn't be all that surprising. After all, you've spent the whole semester with him, and while you've seen him at his worst, you've also seen him at his best.
"Fine. I'll be your girlfriend since I kinda like you a little." You finally say. His jaw drops.
"Wait, what?"
"I'll be your girlfriend. Is there a problem with that?"
"Well, no. I just didn't think this would work. Actually, I was sure it wouldn't."
"But you still asked?"
"Well, yeah. I thought it would piss you off. You've been paying so much attention to that Bakugou guy instead of me, so I thought I'd confess my feelings to make you so angry with me that you'd give the attention back to me. My plan from there was to build it up until that hate turned into love." You expand your foot and kick him.
"But hey you already agreed to be my girlfriend. No take backsies." You sigh,
"I regret my life." He hugs you.
"But you like me!!"
"Shut up before I kick you again."
"Well that was the original plan so oh well Go ahead and kick me. I like it."
"You're crazy."
"Thank you!"

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