No (Ghost)

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You are working as a waitress for a hero charity ball. It was not the best job, but it paid well, and it kept a roof over your head and food in your belly. You were excited to work the venue because you wanted a sneak peek at your favorite hero, Hawks. He's strong and charismatic. Plus, he's super handsome.

Sure enough, you saw him. He was standing next to Endeavor talking with some people. You approached with your tray of hors d'oeuvres and offered it to the group. You just glimpsed at him while you were close. You thought you were stealthy about it, but you were caught. You made eye contact with Hawks. You blushed and looked away, but you saw him smirk before you did.

You walked away to do your job. At least you got to be near him for a moment. The problem now was, he kept popping up wherever you were. You don't understand what's happening. He also seems to be flirting with you too. You shake that thought off. There's no way he's doing that. He's just overly friendly.

By the end of the night, you were tired and flustered. You go into the back to turn in your tray and to grab your personal items. You go to leave but Hawks stopped you.

Hawks smirks, "Hello again pretty lady. I was wondering if I could get your name and number."

You frown, "What?"

"Can I get your name and number? I would love to take a beauty like you out for dinner sometime."

You huff, "Look, I may be a fan, but I am not an easy girl. So, take your flirts elsewhere and have a good night."

You go to walk off, but he stops you by wrapping an arm around your waist. He pulls you in so you can't escape.

He shakes his head, "I never said you were easy. I see a pretty girl and want to get to know her. Is that so wrong?"

You were having trouble breathing. He was too close. You could smell his cologne. He looked sincere. Do you give him the chance? He's a flirty guy but he seems to be determined right now.

You sigh, "Fine. I'll give you one date."

He smirks, "That's all I need to get you to fall in love with me."

You shake your head, "Never mind. Just let me go."

He squeezes, "You can't take it back."

He reaches into your pocket where your phone was and steps back with it in his hands. He quickly texts himself, so he has your number and hands it back. You snatch it and march off. Hawks follows you to your car talking your ear off.

Before you get in, he spins you around and plants a kiss on your lips. Then he flies away leaving you questioning what just happened. You shake if off and get in your car. On the way home you were wondering why he was your favorite again. Oh yeah, because he's a great hero. He's just a jerky person.

When you get home, you noticed you had some text messages from an unsaved number. Upon inspection, you see it's Hawks. You save his number under Flirty Jerk.

Flirty Jerk: Hey there pretty bird. How about dinner tomorrow night?

Y/N: No.

Flirty Jerk: You said yes. You can't take it back.

Y/N: Yes I can. I said no. In fact, I think I should block your number.

Flirty Jerk: No don't. Please. Just one date. If you hate it, I'll never bother you again.

Y/N: Fine. Tomorrow. Meet me at Sweet Spot at 1.

Flirty Jerk: Why don't you give me your address and I'll pick you up for dinner.

Y/N: You'll know where I live then. So no.

Flirty Jerk: Come on. I want it to be a real date.

You let out a sigh as you massage your temples. Let's just get this over with. At least you can say you had a date with your favorite hero, and he promised to leave you alone if you don't like the date.

Y/N: [insert address]

Flirty Jerk: I'll see you tomorrow at 6 pretty bird.

You sigh. What have you gotten yourself into?

The next day, 6 on the dot there was a knock at your door. You answer and there was Hawks. He had a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You let him in and went to put the flowers in water. When you got back to him, you left.

The date was pleasant. You were really surprised. He was a gentleman, well an extremely flirty gentleman. He did, however, not flirt with any other woman. There were opportunities for him to but he solely focused on you. It made you feel special.

By the end of the night, he walked you to your door.

You turn to him, "It was actually a nice date. Thank you."

He smiles, "Does that mean you'll go out with me again?"

He had a hopeful look in his eyes. You stare at him for a second. Would you like to date this guy? Yes.

You nod, "Ok. But we are taking it slow."

He jumps up and down in excitement. He then turns around and plants a kiss on your lips. You hesitated but did kiss back.

He gives you the biggest smile, "You won't regret it. I promise."

You never did. True to his word, he was a wonderful date that turned into it being official after four dates. Two years later he became your husband and you had a little girl who got her father's quirk.

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