The Manga Character (Ghost)

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You were going to your favorite book shop. You wanted to get a couple of manga to read. You had already read what you had at home. It's your favorite pastime.

You went into the shop and started searching. You grab one that looked interesting. It was called My Hero Academia. You decided to get all the ones they had.

You went home and started reading. It was a really good series. You spent all weekend immerged into the manga. You made it to one where you saw a buff character with white hair. He is obviously not a main character, but you thought he was so handsome. You wonder what it would be like if he were real.

You fell asleep reading that manga. Good thing you were reading while lying in bed.

You woke up the next morning and turned. Something warm was in your bed. You snuggled into whatever it was in your sleepy haze. Your mind is not quite registering that something else shouldn't be in bed with you.

You felt something come around your waist. You open your eyes and look down and see an arm. You follow the arm to the person behind you. There you saw white hair. You let out a loud scream and fell off the bed.

The person jumps up and looks around the room in complete shock. You slowly stand up, staring wide eye at the person in your room. It's Natsuo, the white-haired character you were admiring last night in the manga. How was he in your bedroom?

Natsuo turned his wide eyes to you, "Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?"

You tilt your head, "You are in my apartment. I'm Y/N. I have no clue what's going on. You were in my manga, and now I'm waking up to you in my room."

Natsuo gives you a confused look, "What do you mean I was in your manga?"

You look for the book and find it on the floor. You pick it up and look for the pages with him in it. But he wasn't in it now. His character completely disappeared from the book.

You give him a wide-eyed look," You aren't in it anymore. The other characters don't even appear to be missing your parts in the story. What in the world his happening?"

He snatches the book and flips through it. He doesn't know anything. He's like a clean slate. The only thing he knows is his name. He drops the book and searches his pockets. In his pants, he finds a wallet.

He pulls out the wallet and looks through it. He takes in the information, and nothing is helping him remember. He reads the address out loud.

You gasp, "Your address on your ID is my address. I'm so going back to that bookstore. None of this makes sense."

He nods, "Good idea. I'm coming too."

You both leave and head to the bookstore you went to and marched right inside. You walked up to the man behind the counter.

You ask, "I need to speak to whoever owns this place, please."

The man smiles, "That would be me. I'm Namjoon. How can I be of assistance?"

"I purchased some manga a few days ago. I wake up to him in my bed. He was from the book."

Natsuo nods, "And I have no idea what is going on."

Namjoon smirks, "Well, did you make a wish or something?"

You shake your head, "No. I only wondered what it would be like if he was real."

You point at Natsuo, who is looking at you in surprise.

Namjoon nods, "That's close enough. That was a special manga. He is now in your life. If you ask, you know they will all know him. How they will know him depends on you." He points at you.

You and Natsuo go wide-eyed. What is this weirdo getting at?"

You huff, "What? I don't understand."

Namjoon smirks again, "He's yours now. He will not be remembered in that manga. He has become part of this world. A little magic, I guess you could say."

Natsuo leans on the counter, "How am I supposed to just go along with anything? I have no clue of anything."

Namjoon looks at him, "You will. Your life here will hit you soon. She just must figure out what role she would want you in first."

You give him a confused, "What's that mean?"

Namjoon smiles, "Do you want him to be your friend, relative, or significant other?"

"Why am I deciding? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me?"

Natsuo looks at you, "Why wouldn't I want anything to do with you?"

You look down, "Well, look at me. I'm fat and ugly. I'm a bit antisocial. I just don't have much to offer."

Natsuo frowned, "Why lie? You just don't like me. Be honest."

You glare at him, "I am. Can't you see?"

He gets loud, "I have no clue what you are talking about. From what I see, you are beautiful and curvy. So it has to be me."


Namjoon laughs, "I think you have decided."

You both look at him, but then everything goes black.

You both wake up and are back in the apartment. You look at Natsuo, who is giving you an adoring look.

You give him a small smile, "I guess we are stuck with each other."

He gives you a weird look, "What do you mean? Have you changed your mind about marrying me?"

You go wide-eyed, "Marry you?"

He's gives you a confused look, "You said yes last night. Oh no. I knew it. I'm not good enough. I'm sorry. I'll leave."

You stop him, "No no no. Wait. I'm just not fully awake."

He smiles and hugs you, "Good. I don't think I could live without you."

He gets up and goes to make breakfast. Namjoon's words are floating in your head. Do you unconsciously choose this. You open up your social media to see if Natsuo is referenced in there. Sure enough, there are tons of pictures of you two together and with friends.

So this is your life now. You smile. You happily accept all this. After all, from what you gather in the social medias he's a great guy.

Time goes on, and you find out he really is. You get married and live the happiest life having two kids. Both are boys.

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