New Life-Iida (Ghost)

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There was a knock on your door. You open the door to find Iida standing there.

He chops the air, "L/N, are you really ok? You really didn't seem like yourself all day."

You give him a small smile, "I'm fine. I really am just tired."

He nods, "Ok. But if you need anything just let me know. As class president, I can't let another classmate be in distress."

"Thank you, Iida. I'm going to get some sleep now. Good night."

"Ok. Good night."

The next morning, you did as Mr. Aizawa suggested. You followed your instincts. You made yourself cheery as well. This seems to do the trick because no one seems to question it. Iida, however, kept a close eye on you. He was worried. He hasn't admitted it yet, but he has a crush on you. He just wanted you to be ok.

After class, he approached you. You walked together back to the dorms. You waited patiently for him to say what he wanted because he was fumbling a bit, but it seemed important.

Iida, "L/N, I was wondering if you would join me for coffee."

You were confused, "You want to get coffee with me?"

"Yes. I would like you to join me. Will you?"

"Ok. Let's go drop our stuff off in our rooms so we don't have to drag it around. We can meet back up in the common area."

"Sounds good. See you soon."

You separate and do your tasks and meet back up in the common area. You two walked to the nearest café and had a great time. Iida was nice to talk to. Well, when he wasn't lecturing on something. He wasn't your favorite character in the show before, but he sure is now.

He was a gentleman with open doors and pulling out chairs. You can get used to this kind of treatment. You have never had anyone do all that before.

He walked you to your door, "L/N, I was wondering if you would like to do this again?"

"That would be nice. Just let me know."

He blushes and nods. Then he takes off before you can say anything else. You smile after him. You think maybe it won't be so bad in this life after all.

It has been several months, and you have made yourself quite comfortable in your new life. You decided you didn't want to find out any answers nor wanted to go back. You approached Mr. Aizawa after class one day to tell him so.

"Mr. Aizawa, I don't want the answers anymore. I really like it here and I'm happy."

He grunts, "Are you sure, kid?"

"Yes. I appreciate all you have done for me."

He just grunts again and then nods. What you don't know is he kept the investigation up to make sure you could even stay. It seems this was permanent, so he let it go.

However, with you and Iida, you noticed Iida has been keeping his distance. It was making you sad. You made up your mind to speak to him but he came to you.

One day, he knocked on your door and asked to talk with you for a moment. You let him in and waited for him to speak.

"L/N, I like you. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"If you like me, why did you avoid me?"

"I had to sort out all of my feelings. I'm sorry. Would you at least consider it?"

"I don't need to consider it. My answer is yes. I just wanted to know why you avoided me."

You throw your arms around him and hug him. He wraps his arms around you, returning the hug. It was a great relationship with its ups and downs. You were happy you were brought into this life.

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