Tattoos (Maddie)

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You're in the tech support class at UA High, a second-year who's very talented with a lot of potential. Recently, you've been studying Suneater. He is seventeen, soon to be eighteen after in the next semester (yes, when you study a person you go all out), and he's very talented. His quirk is called "manifest," which means that he can manifest apart of whatever he eats. It's very intriguing to you.
So, since your little interest started, you wanted to develop technology for him, because that's what you love. Unlike other girls, your interest does not lie in a romantic place, but instead you're interested in his potential as a rising hero. Well, because of your interest in this quirk, your idea has been keeping you awake all night every night. The concept is fine needles which inject a fluid into the blood stream to slow down the process of digestion. This would help his quirk to last longer and give him a helping ability.
Today, you just finished it and asked Mirio to bring him to you (you know him a bit since you helped develop his costume. So, in comes the blue-haired boy, looking bashful. Not even looking at him, the only word that leaves your mouth is, "Strip."
"Uh- uh- uh- w- w-w-w-what?"
"Strip. You know. Clothes off."
"Button out hole. Now." You look over at him, and his face is bright red. "Oh come on. Just your shirt. You can keep your pants on if you're that bashful. I mean, I would have to put some cords in different places since some go on your thighs."
"PANTS?!?!?!?!" He goes to run out of the room, but you click a button which locks the door. That's when you make direct eye contact, glaring.
"Listen here, I have worked on this for months now, you hear me? And it is specifically tapered to your quirk, meaning that if you don't take it, I can't test it, or do anything with it, meaning that all that effort has gone to waste. Do you understand that? So if you don't start unbuttoning that polo, I will cut it, and then you'll have to go around the school shirtless." You hold up a pair of scissors, and he panics.
With shaky hands and a slow pace, he begins to unbutton the polo shirt, and your glare is still harsh. Halfway through, you begin to feel your cheeks getting warmer. His physique is nice, and the further he goes, you start seeing well-sculpted abs, too You clear your throat and look back up, finding a tattoo on his peck, right over his heart. It's a sun. Perhaps for Suneater? Its hot. Very attractive.
"Alright," you say, snapping him out of his shy daze. "Come here. It'll go on your back."
"What exactly is it? Mirio didn't explain it."
"Here. Sit down and I'll give an explanation to you so you know what's going on." He nods, face still bright red. He, then takes a seat in the chair across from you. "Okay, so we both know your quirk is manifest and it involves digestion. I'd assume that after food is fully digested, itd wear off."

Yes. It only lasts a little bit of time which is a slight drawback. Now, he's in hero mode. "Though I have learned to work around it by snacking often."

"Right, but what if that drawback could be taken care of? I developed equipment that is directly related to the bloodstream. Basically, there are several fine needles-so fine you can't even feel them (and yes, I would know since I stabbed myself with one to make sure)--that inject a fluid into your blood to slow down the digestive system. I believe that if I do that, your quirk can last longer. He thinks for a few moments.
That idea is actually amazing." When he realizes what he says, his face turns bright red again.
"Thank you. Now, initially it goes all along your back and onto your thighs, but I have a feeling you're against taking your pants off." He nods vigorously.
"Yes. I am against taking my pants off."
"That's fine. I can just move things around."
"Will I always need help getting it on and off?" You shake your head.
"No. I plan to teach you a technique so you can get it on and off yourself, though I will do it the first time and we can practice a bit. Sound good?"
"Yeah. That works for me."
"Great. Let's get started." Then the both of you stand up and he turns around. On his back is a large tattoo. It's butterfly wings that extend onto his shoulder blades. You've seen similar designs but normally with angel wings. On his lower hip, you find a tentacle curling to
peek out from his pants, and when you sneak a peak at the other side, it's identical. Does he have a thigh and hip tattoo, too? It's surprising since he doesn't appear to be the tattoo type
slowly, you attach the needles, which he doesn't feel. Accidently, your fingers brush the tattoo, which makes you blush a bit His body is absolutely gorgeous. It puts you into a bit of a pessimism headspace. He's beautiful and you're just a chubby girl. Now you're embarrassed to be around him.
"It's done." You say, your voice almost sounding breathless.
"G- great."
"So, y-you can put the needles into your shoulder blades, I think. Your arms are long enough to reach, right?"
"Alright. Great. Here. Practice taking them out a bit."
He reaches back and pulls them out, one by one. You watch how his biceps flex, and it makes your head spin. He's So, so good-looking. How did you never realize this before?
"O- okay." You snap out of your daze.
"Alright, now try to put them back in, please." He does so, and you nod . "Great. I will give you the remote, and by clicking the button the fluids will go into your system. Activate your quirk and keep it for a long time, and see how long it lasts in comparison to usual. Do you have my number? lf not, let me give it to you so you can message me and let me know."
"I-I don't." You hand him a card with y your number on it."
"I try to keep these on hands for my test subjects." He flinches.
"T-t-test subjects?"
"You know. I test my experiments on people, so they're test subjects. You, too, have become a new test subject."
"O- oh."
"Oh, by the way, you have some nice tattoos."
"Tattoos are really nice, actually. I've always wondered about getting one, but then remember I don't really like needles."
"M- me either, but I sucked it up. It wasn't horrible and I've been through more pain in the hero course." He shrugs.
"Well, I try not to be a masochist. Do you think you'll ever get more tattoos?"
"Hmm..I don't know. Is there anything I should get?"
"Al bag of snacks. You start laughing, and he begins giggling a bit.
"What kind?" He continues the joke.
"Hmm.... potato chips."
"I do love potatoes."
"If you do get that tattoo, show me."
"You've already seen everything. No point in hiding it, I guess."
"Hey, it could he worse. At least I let you keep your pants on."
"Yeah, I refuse to take my pants off."
"You're no fun."
"Thank you, I know." He seems really fun when he gets over his bashfulness. Then, you realize he still isn't wearing his shirt. You scramble around, trying to find it. Finally, you hand it to him. "Thanks. I honestly forgot." You start giggling.
"It'll make the school newspaper." You put your hands up to add effect. "SUNEATER STRIPS!! WHAT'S BENEATH THAT COSTUME?" He groans.
"I don't even wanna think about it." He starts putting his shirt back on, and you're slightly disappointed as he covers his body. He's quicker to button then unbutton. Go figure. "Alright, I'm leaving then." He activated his tentacles and presses the button. "'I'll let you know the results."
"Thanks." He reties his tie, though it's messy.
"B- bye."
He walks out, and then rests his back against the door a moment. She saw... everything.. why her? I hate you, Togata. Like, so much. He leaves. In the room, you giggle a bit, having never experienced anything like this. That's when you sit down in a chair, going through everything in your head. You' ve never liked a boy before, but could you possibly like him? You don't know. Boys have never come easily to you.
Twenty-four hours, you get a message.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: This is Amajiki. It just wore off, twenty-four hours later. That's three times longer than usual.
Amajiki: Congratulations. Thank you for the technology.
L/n: No problem! I'm happy it's useful. I love making helpful technology.
Amajiki: Well, it seems very useful. I have a work-study coming up, too.
L/n: Isn't that a nice coincidence?
Amajiki: It is.
From then on, you and Amajiki talk often. You text back and forth frequently, and have even sat together at lunch a few times. He's so sweet and you love it, even though he's a little pessimistic. Yet, you can never tell him. How can you? Look at him and then look at you. He's beautiful and looks absolutely perfect; you're not even average looking with your chubby little body. Not good enough for him. Not even close.
While it hurts, you can't pout about it and let it destroy everything you've built. You have dreams and aspirations, which you won't let a little heartbreak get in between. If you have to, you'll separate entirely. You will become a producer of hero technology and build your own company. That's your plan. Your goal. Your dream. And you won't let some boy distract you
from that dream.
Since the day you concluded to prioritize your dream, you haven't been all that close with Amajiki. It's something you feel that you have to do. He's an addicting habit that if you don't quit now, you'll forget everything else. You wish it wasn't like this, but it is. There goes your first crush.
Meanwhile, poor Amajiki is feeling depressed because of you avoiding him. Did he do something? That's when dread fills him. Did you figure it out? Did you find out his secret? Do you find it gross? Probably. It's heartbreaking.
Today, you're rushing out of the school, and then appears Mirio out of the ground. You scream because he startled you, and hold your chest, gasping for air.
"Sorry." He says. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine. I'm okay. What's up?"
"I wanted to ask why you're upset with Tamaki."
"I'm not upset with Amajiki Senpai."
"Then why are you avoiding him?"
"There's just some things you wouldn't understand."
"Eh? C'mon. I need to know why you're avoiding him!"
"No. Because then you'll go running your mouth to him."
"Well, he also has the right to know."
"I know he does, but telling him would suck."
"Do you have a crush on him?" Your face turns bright red.
"W- what? W- why would you ask that?"
"You do! You do like him!"
"Shut up!" You snap. "Just leave it be! It isn't funny and it's all a stupid scenario!"
"What? Why would it be stupid?"
"Because I'm not a delusional idiot who thinks he'd take interest in someone like me."
"What do you mean? Tamaki is totally interested in you!" Now you're fuming,
"You're not funny."
"I know it's not funny! I'm serious! Tamaki really does like you! That's why he was so happy to help you with the tech stuff. He talks about you all the time and he really misses you these days. He feels super, super bad because he thinks he did something wrong."
"I'm not believing you until I hear from him."
You run away, on the verge of tears. You were trying to get over him. You wanted to forget. But what now? This will stay in your head forever. It's so stupid and annoying.
At home, you're crying and thinking about it all. The whole situation is awful. You hate all of this. You want to just forget him and everything. Why did you have to develop technology for him? Why were you so naïve and stupid? You regret it all.
The next day, Amajiki pulls you aside when you try to walk home. It's near the sakura trees, and his face is bright red. There's discomfort written all over him.
"T-T- Togata s- said you l- I-like me. Is that t true?" Your face also goes red.
"He also s- said you wouldn't b- believe that I l-I- like you, and were g- getting down on y-yourself."
"Senpai, I-I don't know what to say."
"Just a-answer the q- question. I- is that true." Staring at the ground, you nod.
"It's true. I like you. I have for awhile."
"W-why did you n- never tell me?"
"Because it's obvious you'd never like me."
"Why not?"
"Because you're just beautiful and I'm so ugly and fat. Like, you have this perfectly sculpted body and then I have all these fat rolls and I-"
"What are you talking about? You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." You gasp a little and look up at him. He's blushing but his eyes are determined. It's strange. "And why would you call yourself fat? What's wrong with your body? I think you're very cute and holdable and perfect for cuddling and-" He puts his hands over his mouth, realizing he just blurt out his innermost thoughts that he's kept secret.
"What? But I- I've never felt beautiful."
"Well you should feel beautiful. You're too beautiful for your own good. Who ever told you that you weren't?"
"A lot of guys at my middle school and even junior high."
"Well they're all blind."
"Amajiki Senpai, do you like me? Mirio Senpai said you did, and now I'm starting to believe it a bit." He takes a deep breath, but answers you anyway.
"Y- yes. I-I- I- like you.
"Are you sure?"
"More sure than anything."
"I do like you. I admit it. I like you more than anything else. I started avoiding you because it was becoming a distracted as it began hurting knowing you didn't like me like that."
"Well you were wrong."
"Senpai..can I be your girlfriend?" Shakily, he nods.
"Please do."
-Time Skip Five Years-
Word is spreading of your engagement to the famous Suneater. You, too, have a great name in Japan. You own the biggest hero tech company in your country. Most people were shocked, not even knowing that you two were a couple, but it's true. You two have been together five years
Amajiki makes you happier than anyone else does, and supports your career to the fullest. You, too, support him with all you have. Though your jobs are busy and make it a little difficulty to make time for each other, but you make it work anyway. Little dates here and there is what keeps you two together, which is all you need. Now, you're getting married, so your lives will be much closer and intertwined. You couldn't ask for anything more.
As for his tattoos, he did end up getting one if a potato chip bag on the other side of his chest, which had you laughing.
When you asked him why he really did that, he told you it was because it reminds him of when you first met, making it his most sentimental tattoo. That almost had you crying. He's the sweetest man on earth.

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