MHA React to You Falling (Maddie)

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You're on a step-stool, trying to reach the top shelf. No matter how hard you try you just can't grab what you're trying to grab. You're too short. You begin to pout.
Meanwhile, Shoto Todoroki-your boyfriend-is watching with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't understand how you can't reach it. He could easily grab it without a a step-stool.
"Wait!" You almost fall off the stool, so he rushes over in case something happens. Instead, you catch yourself.
"You know," you say. "You're standing there watching me struggle but doing nothing. You giant jerkwad. You-"
"I didn't know you wanted help." He grabs the book you've been reaching for and then hands it to you. "Here."
"You and your stupidly tall self. This is why I don't like you some days. You just rub it in my face that I can't reach stuff."
You rant as you walk away, and the dual-haired boy just stands there confusedly.
"But... you said... you wanted help."

Your husband watches as you try to reach the top shelf and get the jar of sugar to make cake. You're too short, however.
Even while standing on the step-stool, your arms just won't reach. He smirks as he watches you a few more moments.
"Want some help?" He asks.
"No! I can do it myself!"
"You sure?"
"Yes!" This time, you almost fall, so he catches you.
"Get off this thing before you break your neck. Let me do it."
He picks you up and puts you onto the floor before barely even moving his arm up to grab the sugar. He hands it to you and then leaves. Meanwhile, you're pouting.

Amajiki walks into the classroom and finds you standing on a desk to grab a book off the top shelf. This worries him.
You're likely to fall, and he doesn't want to see that happen.
"Please stop." He says. "What if you fall?"
"I won't! I will grab this stupid book!" This time, you're fingers brush the novel. "Come on!" You slip and he catches you with his tentacles.
"That's enough." He puts you down next to him and then goes to grab the book. From the floor, he reaches up a little bit, then it's in his hands and he hands it to you. "Here. Please be careful next time." You pout.
"You and your freakishly long limbs." You walk out of the classroom, and he feels a little hurt.
"That was so mean. did- did I do something..?" You walk back in.
"And no, I'm not mad at you. I'm just tired of being short." He smiles a bit as you walk back out.
"I like that about's cute."

Midoriya sees you struggling to grab a box off of the top shelf in the dorms, and immediately runs over to help you. He grabs it easily and hands it to you.
"Here you go, L/n!"
"Seriously?" You frown. "All you guys here are freakishly tall! Ugh!" You stomp off, and he frowns heavily.
"I was just helping.. always so cranky."

Bakugou catches you standing on a chair and thing to grab a bowl from the cabinets top shelf. He just smirks at you.
How cute You can't even reach a bowl while standing on the chair. He's grabbed things off of that very shelf several times without even trying that hard.
"Move." He says, putting a scowl back in his face.
"No way! I can do this myself!"
"As if. You're too short. Accept it." He reaches up and hands you the bowl. "Grow longer limbs. I'm your boyfriend, not slave. I shouldn't have to do everything for you." He walks off, and you roll your eyes.
"And I never asked for your help." You say quietly and stick out your tongue.

Yamada sees you trying to climb on the shelf just to grab a glass. He shakes his head and walks over to help you. You point a finger at him and hold on with your other hand.
"Don't you dare come over here with your noodle-y and long limbs. You're not welcome here right now."
"Why don't you want my help, special listener?"
"Because. I can do it myself. I can do anything!!"
"Except reach the top shelf."
"Argh!" You jump off and walk away. "Forget it! I didn't want that stupidly ugly glass anyway!"
"And she calls me loud."
"You are." Aizawa says, sipping his coffee as he walks away.

Shinsou sees you about to fall off a step-ladder, having failed several times to reach the top shelf for the coffee grounds.
He walks over, grabs the container, puts in down on the counter, and looks at you with a smirk.
"You're a short little kitten," he says."So stop trying to do things you obviously can't." You stick out your tongue.
"I would've grabbed it eventually."
"No. You wouldn't have We went over the same thing yesterday.
"Jerk." You stick out your tongue and he begins walking away.
"But you're obsessed with this jerk!" He calls out, and you just pout. He's so annoying.

Your red-haired boyfriend catches you climbing on top of random items to reach the top shelf and freaks out. What if you fall? What if something happens? He rushes over to grab it for you.
"NOPE!!" She shouts. "I don't need your help! I can grab it on my own!"
"No way! It would be so unmanly of me not to help and let you potentially fall!"
"Eijiro! I can do it myself!"
"No! I'm not letting you get hurt! That's unmanly!" He grabs it and hands it to you. "Here."
"Fine." You jump off of the pile of r random objects and t begin marching off. "You and. your stupidly manly long limbs- and stupidly r manly helpful and protective personality. You grumbles as you stomp away.
"She thinks I'm manly." He's close to tears.

"GAH!" You reach up, trying to grab a jar off the top shelf. Kaminari stands in the doorway, smiling to himself. You're so
short and its adorable. He walks on over and grabs the jar. He smirks at you.
"You're so short." He pats your head, and you glare.
"Shut up. I am not short. You're just stupidly tall with your stupidly long limbs and your stupidly jerk face." You hop off the step-ladder you were on and walk off.
"You're welcome!" He calls out.
"This is why I don't like you!"
"You're right! You don't like me! You love me!"
"Shut up!"

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