No Escape (Maddie)

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Walking past a beach, you look over just to see the ocean a r moment. Then, you find something unexpected. A boy cleaning the dirty seashore. That's when you see something even more peculiar. He's shirtless. You I find a well built body. You're just in awe. That's hot.
For the rest of the day, you watch him, though pay no attention to what he's doing. When he leaves, you pout and march home angrily. You wanted to watch more of the shirtless boy. What else is there in life besides that and explosions?
That leads you to your quirk. You can blow things up. What you do is play with the atomic structure of items to cause nuclear fission. By splitting atoms, things explode and it's more than fun. Explosions are your favorite.
soon, you're going to your new school, UA High, a place for aspiring heroes. Lucky for you, you're in the hero course to fulfill your dream. Slightly late, you walk in and take a seat next to a blonde. That blonde starts yelling and arguing.
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL BLOW YOU UP!!" You yell, and he turns his head.
For awhile, you two scream at each other until the door opens. There's the shirtless boy from before. Now that he's clothed, you get a better look at his other features. He has curly green hair that's very messy, and his eyes are the same color. There are little freckles on his cheeks, and he looks bashful, though you don't know how. He's far too "hot" to be shy.
Then, a brunette girl starts to greet him, and you scowl at her. He's mine, so back off powder puff.
For a few weeks, you notice that the brunette is always with your green-haired hottie, and you don't like it. At first, you wanted to be a bit more subtle and not desperate- looking, but you're not playing games anymore. If you claim a boy, you own him and that's that, meaning nobody else is allowed near him without your permission.
So, finally, you decide to just claim him to his face. After school, you grab him arm roughly and start dragging him. He fumbles around to ask what's going on, but you don't answer, not wanting to. Arriving at an alleyway near your house, you pin him against the wall, sending shivers down his spine. You've always bit a more dominant female, so you tend to take
initiative in place of the male.
"Don't you talk to that powder puff again." You demand. "You belong to me so cut it out." He blinks a few times.
"W- w- w-what?"
"Did I stutter? I believe I was very clear."
"What do you mean belong to you?"
"Just that. I own you now. And if I say not to talk to that stupid powder puff, don't talk to her."
"I-I don't even know who you're talking about."
"That stupid brunette! With her stupid bug-eyed face!"
"Uhh... are you talking about Uraraka?"
"I don't care what her name is and neither should you! Don't you ever talk to her again! Or else! I'll blow you up!"
"You sound like Kacchan."
"I don't think Kacchan is a girl.. th- the blonde guy in our class who also uses explosions."
"U-uh-s-s- sorry."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good boy. Now go home and go to sleep early. Sleep is good and you should do that often."
You march off, and he remains there a few moments, shaking. What just happened?
The next day, you're at his house to walk him to school. His mom greets you sweetly and says he'll be right down. Upon seeing you, he almost tries to run away, but you grab him by his tie and drag him along. His mom watches, and inwardly, she says, What a sweet couple.
At school, you force him to sit next to you, and he obliges. You won't let Uraraka anywhere near him, or any other girl for that matter. With the boys, you supervise them and their interactions with your nerd. Trust no one.
After you walked him home from school, Midoriya slips out of the house, on his way to Bakugou. He doesn't want to do this, but you've left him no choice. He must get help. Scared, he knocks on Bakugou's door. Its his mother that answers, and she lets the boy right in.
"KATSUKI!!" She yells up the stairs. "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!! IZUKU IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!!"
"A-a-actually," Midoriya says. "Can I go right up? I need to talk to him in private."
"Yes, ma'am." You start washing off the makeup.
"You idiot. Covering your freckles? Are you serious? How dare you?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't think it'd upset you like that."
"And look at this stupid makeup. It looks ridiculous. You know what? You resemble a clown."
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
"And what the heck? Did you straighten your hair? Your curls are your signature!" Using water, you try to counteract the effects of the straighter, and it finally works, giving way to wet curis. Then, you grab a towel and start drying his hair. "Listen to me, never try to change yourself again. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are, understand? I like you for you,
and if you're not yourself, what am I supposed to like?"
"I-I I'm sorry."
"As you should be. Now come on. Let's fix your uniform." After putting everything back in place, you nod at him. "There you go. Much better." Leaning up, you peck his cheek, putting a deep blush on his face. Cute. "Let's go back to class now."
Time flies by, and now you're moving into the dorms. Still possessive of Midoriya, you drag him along, and he follows along, just doing whatever You have him help you unpack, and then do the same for him. You demand he spends the night with you, and stuttering around, he nods his head.
Since you've never liked staying up late, you go straight to bed. Of course, you drag Midoriya along as well. Leeching onto him, you hold him like some type of teddy bear. Midoriya blushes madly and can't focus, having never dealt with this before. It isn't long until you're asleep, still holding on. Just a few moments after slipping under, you mutter something in your deep sleep.
"I love you, Zuku Bear."
This sends him into shock. You love him? He knew you liked him, but love? Really? How? What is there to love about him? Yet, he can't help but start to smile involuntarily. Recently, he's come to love you, too. You may be rambunctious and loud, but you're also sweet and caring in your own way. Ever since the beginning, you've had a soft spot for him, and he's come to notice it all too well. He already loves you more than you love him.
"I love you, too." He whispers back carefully and quietly.
Slowly, he begins putting his own arms around you carefully, and then pulls you close, though careful not to wake you.
Then, he gently presses his lips against your forehead, having felt the sudden urge to do so. Allowing his lips to linger, he begins falling asleep as well. Still kissing your forehead, he falls asleep, holding you close.
Midoriya is the first to wake up, so he spends a bit of the morning staring. You're too cute when you're asleep: it's the only time you're quiet, too. He begins to reach his arm over and push the hair out of your face, smiling at you the whole time. In about thirty minutes, you also wake up.
Finding your boyfriend right next to you and even holding you, you can't help but smile. As you look up at him, you find an adoring look in his eyes, and you relish the feeling. He's adorable with his messy bedhead in the morning, so you find yourself in awe of him.
"Good morning." He says softly.
"No." You nestle your face into his chest. "Let's go back to sleep."
"It's already noon." He begins to laugh a bit. "We have to get up."
"You can't use that threat whenever you don't want to do something, darling." You blush at the nickname a little. He's never called you that before. "What are you up to? You're being extra sweet."
"What do you mean, precious?" You pull your head away from him.
"I'm not stupid and know you don't like me back, so why are you suddenly acting this way?"
"I-I love you, silly."
"Of course.:
"Then you're never escaping most definitely."
"I don't want to."

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