🐉𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4🐉

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Luke tossed and turned in bed. He glanced over at his knights helmet sitting proudly on his desk.

..Should he really be taking pride in it..?

Really, Luke couldn't care less about anything that dragon said.

But that question he had asked.

'When was the last time you had a complaint about a dragon'

That was what got Luke thinking.

He asked around his coworkers, and sure enough, no crimes around were even related to dragons.

It made him nervous.

Was he the bad guy? Surely not.. he was protecting the city-!


But was it really protecting if countless innocent lives were taken at his command?

But they were dragons, everyone knows dragons are dangerous!

..Maybe he should visit him again.

Luke sat up in bed.

But he couldn't just go there, not anymore, he needed a peace offering.

When Luke arrived, he set the box in the middle of the dragons territory. He looked around, but he wasn't there.

But he knew exactly where he was, the body of water by the waterfall that Luke had previously walked through, there was an abnormality.

Part of the water was glowing a bright cyan.

He climbed over the rocks and into the water, surely enough, the dragon was there.

What on Earth was he talking about. 'Hideous'? Really?

His features were gentle as his hair lightly swayed in the water. He hugged his tail as he was curled into a ball. How cute.

Luke reached down to gently touch his wings to wake him up.

But immediately jerked his hand away as he stared in shock.

Did he see that right?

He reached down again, and sure enough, under the touch of his finger tips, the wings turned from scaly, to fluffy.

He was mesmerised. He set his full palm onto the wings, and smiled slightly upon seeing how the scales turned to fur under his touch.

Gently he moved his hand up to his shoulder, as soon as he touched his shoulder, it began to glow a cyan colour under his touch. Confused, he put a hand on his cheek, getting the same effect...so he just... glows...? Ok..?

He moved his hand back down to his shoulder as he began to gently shake him awake.

His eyes gently fluttered open, he gave a small yawn, and Luke could clearly see his sharp and pointy teeth.

He looked up at him slightly. Before getting startled and thrashing about in the water.

Luke firmly grabbed his waist to hold him in place.

"Don't worry-! I'm not here to kill you-!" Luke tried to call out.

The dragon stopped thrashing under his hold and just looked up at him, with skeptical and unbelieving eyes.

After a few moments, Luke gently let him go and he slowly sat up. Luke was in disbelief to see he wasn't wet at all. Not his hair, not his skin, or even his clothes, he was dry.

"..What do you want."

"Listennn.. I know we're not on great terms right now-! However, I thought a bit about what you said yesterday.."

"That's a first."

"Right- And I decided to replace your 'Piano thingy mabobber relic thing'!"

The dragon gasped as his eyes lit up.

"I have a new piano thingy mabobber relic thing!?"

Luke chuckled. "Yes, you do."

He quickly stood up as he effortlessly climbed over but stopped in disappointment.

"Is something wrong?"

"..there's only a picture.." He pouted and sounded heart broken.

Luke smiled as he stood up and walked over.

"See that picture? It's a box!"

"A 'box'?"

"You keep things inside of it, when you open that box, the box with the picture of the piano thingy mabobber relic thing, it will be in there!"

Zander gasped as he ran forward and slashed the box with his long nails.

"..that works I guess..."

After a few more slashes, the box fell apart, revealing a brand new piano. Bigger than his old one.

Zander stood still for a few seconds before turning around and tackle hugging Luke.

"Thank you! I love it! I was so scared I'd never see it again!" He giggled.

Luke froze for a second, before hugging back. He could see Zanders tail furiously swishing behind him.

..this is what he called murderous?

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