🐉𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8🐉

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Michael looked around in awe, how did the sky change to that of a water ripple!? How were the leaves and tree trunks blue!? He was in complete awe, he watched as the water diverted from beneath his feet whenever he stepped, keeping his feat completely dry despite the wet ground.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Luke asked, drawing him out of his trance. "Oh-! Yes very-!" Luke Just smiled. "The dragon, Zander, he crafted this entirely by his own hand." "His own hands!? And he made this!?" "Impressive, isn't it? Also I feel important to mention this now..." "Hm?" "The dragon- ..He's smart... but also so unbelievably dumb. I mean, he calls his piano.. a... thingy mabobber... I don't think he knows a lot, he tried to mend a previously broken piano with mud and water."

"Oh wow-...you said he's smart ..?"

"...rational is a better word for it."

"Oh- rational?"

"I don't know man, he changed my whole entire ideology that I've held onto all my life in the span of 2 minutes, I don't know."

"Oh wow."

As they approached, Michael scrunched up his nose in dismay as he covered his ears. "...What is that.."

"..I think he's playing the piano again..-!...well more like smashing the keys down.. I don't know it makes him happy."

Just then Luke called out. "Zander! I'm back!" All of a sudden, the piano stopped.

Luke just nodded to Michael as he pulled back some vines revealing the center of the Dragons den, where Zander was sitting and waiting expectantly, obviously caught off guard by the new person.

"Luke? Who's is that?" Zander spoke, but Michael was just beyond fascinated. He took in the features of the dragon, it was nothing alike his sketches, he had expected dragons to look rougher, maybe even a little ugly, not that he cared though, they were cool nontheless, but he didn't expect them to be a beauty. There had always been this propaganda spread by the knights of them being ugly beings, but he just couldn't see it.

"This is Michael! He is a biologist, as it turns out, he likes dragons!"

"Oh-! Really?" Zander tilted his head.

"Yes! And I recruited him to try and help your mother!"

Zander appeared to be stunned, then his tail that was originally gently swaying just came to a halt as as he stared at them, his eyes darkening, bringing a sense of unease to both men.


"Yes-! We can try to help her-! Only if you're willing of course-!" Michael quickly said.

Wordlessly Zander stood up and turned around, walking away from them.

Michael just sighed and went to turn back the way he came, but Luke was quick to put and arm out to stop him, gesturing towards Zander.

With a quick movement of his hand, the waterfall separated, Michael gasped, incredibly shocked at the sight. Luke leaned in and whispered to Michael.

"His mother is a touchy subject for him, he reacts like that whenever she's brought up, in that waterfall is where he is preserving her body. He heart was not fully cut down the middle, barely hanging on but she's still alive." Then he leaned away, following behind Zander.


Zander turned around, his tail starting to swing once again as soon as he heard Luke call his name.

"Since this place is going to turn into a bit of a science experiment- I don't think it's good for you to be here." Luke deemed. Zander just raised an eyebrow. "There's no where else for me to go...? ..I don't wanna sleep in a shipwreck again.. it's scary and there's a lot of skelebones-"

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