chapter eight

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SHE DIDN'T EXPECTED A KNOCK on her door at this time, but there was one

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SHE DIDN'T EXPECTED A KNOCK on her door at this time, but there was one. She sat on the floor one school night and painted out of boredom after secretly baking a cake in the kitchen, while the knocking gets louder.

She sighed and stood up to open the door for the impatient person. She was only wearing a very skimpy top and sweatpants, her hair in a bun when she wasn't expecting anyone else. When she opened the door she didn't expect him but there he was, with a big smile on his face; "I saw you were baking."

She smiled because she couldn't resist, a smiling Theo in pajama pants with little ducklings on them was standing in front of her door. Mae asked him inside because someone could come by her dorm at any time, unlikely at that time but anyone could.

"Are you just here for cake?" She asked as he threw himself onto her bed. "Well we've hardly seen each other today," he then said, cuddling with the cats, all three of whom pounced on him while she prepared a plate of cake for him. "You last saw me at dinner." She said and brought him the cake as she sat down across from him on her giant bed.

"An Egyptian cake made of chocolate and hazelnut, my favorite." She then introduced and took a cat on her lap, which she then petted waiting for him to tale a bite. "I couldn't look at you today, Pansy got suspicious."

He took a bite and groaned as he closed his eyes.  "That's so good," he said as he took another bite.
"Thank you," she said laughing as she saw the chocolate around his mouth.

"Ohhh so delicious," He doesn't even looked up because he only had eyes for the cake.

"Would you like me to leave you two alone?" She asked, unable to stop laughing, handing him a napkin and pointing at his face.

"You look like a kid who eat chocolate for the first time." He tried to wipe everything away but failed.

"Everything gone?" he asked but it looked the same as before.

"May I help?" She asked politely so that she wouldn't get too close to him or make him uncomfortable, although she think he's very comfortable here.

"My face belongs to you now." Mae goes closer to him almost sitting in his lap as he turned his head towards her. She takes his chin in her hand and turned his head as needed, while she was focused she felt him staring at her.

Finish with his face and only his lips were missing, she dabbed first and when he realized it was his lips he licked them.

"Fresh as a baby," she said before going back since she don't want to be to close to him to make him uncomfortable. "Pansy texted me and asked me if there's something going on and I just said the truth," she then goes back to the last topic.

"What did you say?" He was curious, very curious what she said they are. "That nothing is going on."

He tried not to let it show, but her words hurt. He knew full well that she couldn't have said anything else, but her mentioning beforehand that she meant the truth gives those words a different meaning. He nodded because he didn't know what to say.

"I should probably head back." He then said, and she could feel that there was a change, that he suddenly changed. "You probably should."

He quickly stood up, making the cats jump in the process as he made his way to the door. She was confused as to why he was suddenly being so hesitant. Shortly before he got to the door, he stopped and took something out of his pants bag, it was a small box. He then put it on the dresser next to the door, "Just something small for you, it's nothing really." He then said without looking at her while she was still in the same place still confusing. "I'll see you tomorrow, or not. Night." he said in one go and he was gone.

She watched him close the door, and wonder where it went wrong. She stared at the little box and couldn't wait to open it. It was a necklace, with a little heart. Her heart melted at this gesture, she mentioned to him that she used to wear such necklace everyday because her father gifted her with one but she lost it, and now this.

She had tears in her eyes while she stares at the necklace, and couldn't believe he remembered and did something like that. She knew now where it went wrong, she told him to face that the two aren't anything but this gesture shows that he was feeling different. But she couldn't say anything different, the two need to be hidden...

Mae was hesitant to text him, just a small message. But she couldn't bring herself to it, she needed to get her emotions under control first. She put the necklace around herself, knowing that she had never completely told Pansy the truth.

chapter eight
such a rollercoaster of emotions
but it'll gets worse sryy xoxo

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