chapter twenty four

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maeblack posted a story

 💬 silasblack and have you heard from him?mae I'm sorry I was a bit harsh

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and have you heard from him?
mae I'm sorry I was a bit harsh

we all are sorry, you can come
sit with us

it's okay, really I know you guys
didn't mean it bad, now I just want
to be alone if it's okay

it's okay, so he didn't answer you?

he didn't, did he answer you?

just that he arrived at home,
but nothing more

I guess his week was just full,
try talk to him when he comes
to his dorm

maybe he wanted some space too,
to clear his mind right?

right, I just hate myself for it
we couldn't celebrate anything
because of my stubbornness

daphs: everything will be okay,
mae it's just a small issues you
guys will get over it

i hope so

don't think to much babe,
he's probably just trying to
give you some space


AS THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS SLOWED TO A HALT, marking the end of the winter break, Mae's heart raced with anticipation and fear. Determined to mend her broken relationship with Theo, she walked towards his dorm straight, and waited inside his dorm on his bed with eyes on the door, hopeful yet fearful.

"This is my chance to make things right, to apologize and show him that I care." She thought to herself, still nervous. But time seemed to stretch, the minutes ticking by as the shadows on the corridor grew longer. Hours passed, and Mae's hope waned, replaced by a creeping unease. It's dark outside and everyone already settled back, everyone except Theo. He didn't show up to his own dorm...

Her eyes still on the door, when it finally opened but not with Theo's face but with Leta. Her expression was somber and cast a shadow over Mae's anticipation; she had slight tears in her eyes

"Mae, I- I am so sorry." She said, and Mae's smile dropped, she knew what comes now. Mae's breath caught in her throat, a premonition of impending heartbreak. The news hit her like a physical blow as Leta explained that Theo was in the Infirmary, the victim of an accident on the journey back to Hogwarts. "An accident? But why? What happened?"

Leta's words cut through the air, detailing the unfortunate event that left Theo unconscious and hospitalized. A collision with another magical creature on his way back had sent Theo into the infirmary, leaving him battered and bruised.

Mae's thoughts raced as she sprinted towards the Infirmary, the corridors a blur of worry and guilt. The weight of her actions bore down on her, each step echoing the remorse she felt for the hurtful words exchanged before the accident.

She burst into the Infirmary, heart pounding, only to find Theo lying motionless on a hospital bed. Bruises adorned his face, and bandages concealed the physical toll the accident had taken on him. The room seemed to close in around her as guilt consumed her, tears streaming down her face.

Madam Pomfrey then appeared, "He's stable, but it will take time." Mae nodded, her gaze fixed on Theo. She vowed to stay by his side, to make amends and be there for him when he woke up.

Days passed, as she sat next to doing nothing but waiting for him to open his eyes.

As the moment arrived when Theo stirred, Mae held her breath, hope mingling with anxiety. However, as Theo's eyes fluttered open, confusion replaced the recognition that once gleamed in them.

"Who are you?"

Mae's heart shattered as she realized the extent of the damage. Theo, in the aftermath of the accident, couldn't recall the shared moments, the laughter, and the love that once defined their relationship.

"It's me, Theo. It's Mae."

Theo's gaze remained distant, a painful reminder of the memories lost in the wreckage of the accident. "I'm sorry, have we met?" Her tears are falling as Madam Pomfrey entered, and controlling Theo's Breathing. Silas came from behind and pulled Mae to him, while the rest of the group stand absent.

"Silas, he doesn't remember me. Everything we had is gone." She said into his chest, Guilt and sorrow intertwined as Mae faced the harsh reality that, due to the accident, Theo's memories of her had been erased.

"I'm sorry, but who are you guys? What are you doing here?" Theo doesn't sound like he used to, he doesn't recognize his friends and it wasn't even the beginning of this tragedy. Much worse is about to come.

chapter twenty four
sorry but it won't get better

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