chapter forty six

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teddy 🤍


are you free on
the weekend?

teddy 🤍
I am, why?

do you have time to go out?

teddy 🤍
ofc, you don't need to ask..
is everything alright?

nope I just haven't seen you
much lately so I thought I need
appointment since you've
been so busy at "work"

teddy 🤍

teddy 🤍
why the quotation marks?

are you really busy or are
you using this an excuse?

teddy 🤍
an excuse for what?

you tell me

teddy 🤍
I want everything to be done
fast so I have more time later

teddy 🤍
mae why are you acting so
tense? what did I do?

did you know, your daughter
had her first steps?

teddy 🤍
oh she did, thats wow but
what does this have to do with
with this now?

you miss those moments because
you're working, and don't tell me
you need to work, you don't

maybe I making this a big deal,
but for me it is, you told me, no
promised me we're in this together
but where are you?

I can't do everything alone
anymore, but never had the
chance to say this because when?
you never here

if it's too much for you just tell
me but don't let me waiting

teddy 🤍
what no I'm sorry I haven't
noticed you feeling this way,
mae I'm so sorry you've been dealing
with this alone

teddy 🤍
i just thought if I'm working more
to have everything done then I have
more time for you later

that's not how this work at all,
you choose to work late instead
being with your family

yeah maybe you want everything
to be done, but you still neglect us

teddy 🤍
I'm sorry that wasn't my intention
I did what I thought was best for
us and I was wrong

teddy 🤍
I'm calling Silas tomorrow, and I
will fix this, us but please don't
leave me

teddy 🤍
mae, I know I've been working a lot,
but it's for us. I want to provide
the best life.

what's the point if you're never here
to share it with us? I need a partner,
not just a provider. Our daughter
needs her father.

teddy 🤍
I'll try to make more time.
Work's just been demanding,
It's new and everything relies
on me

trying isn't enough, I need you
to be here, to be present

your daughter is growing up,
and you're missing it.

teddy 🤍
I'll make it up to both of
you, mae. I promise.

it's more than just making it up.
It's about being a part of our daily

I need a partner who's present,
not someone who's a stranger
in our home.

teddy 🤍
I hear you, Mae. I'll try to be home
more often, I promise.

again, trying isn't enough, Theo.
I need you to understand the impact
of your absence. Our daughter deserves
a father who knows her, not someone
who pops in occasionally.

teddy 🤍
I never meant for it to be
this way, it's just has been
overwhelming, everything

I get that, Theo, but it can't be an
excuse anymore. I need you to decide
what's more important

your career or your family

teddy 🤍
mae, I love you both. I'll figure
something out, I promise I don't
want to lose you.

It's not about losing me, Theo.
It's about being here for us.

I need to see a change, not just
hear about it, can you promise that?

teddy 🤍
I promise, Mae. I'll make the
changes. I love you both more
than anything.

I hope so, we need you,
I need my partner back.

teddy 🤍
you will, I promised you the
life you deserve and I'm going
to keep my word

teddy 🤍
be ready at 6, let's go out we
haven't had that since forever

teddy 🤍
silas and daph are coming over
tonight for babysitting

chapter forty six
I was listening to "What Was I Made For"
while writing this chapter because
Billie and Finneas won the Grammy
for Song of the Year 🎀🧚🏻‍♀️🤍

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