chapter forty eight

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notnott posted

notnott posted

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liked by maenott, daphneblack and others

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liked by maenott, daphneblack and others

notnott my wife taught me how to be aesthetic


maeblack ❤️❤️

malfoyd she's growing so fast, my little niece
mattheoriddle soon she will get a boyfriend
notnott I said no boyfriend

mattheoriddle you hair is getting darker
notnott my fiancé loves it

blaisez can't wait for the wedding!!

enzoberkshire i want a beach in front of my house too...
notnott it's nice yeah

letalestrange more of your fiancé!!!

silasblack soo I see things are good?
notnott they are good

pantspants where's mae?
maeblack here?
pantspants post more I'm addicted to your posts
maeblack oh really? haven't noticed
pantspants do it or I will unfollow
maeblack you would never

maeblack so in love with you
notnott so in love with you my heart

millicent.b still can't believe they getting married
tracydavis he probably feels guilty
notnott get a life
notnott blocked millicent.b

teddy 🤍

teddy 🤍
thank you, mae

teddy 🤍
I don't say it often, but I'm so
happy and thankful that draco gave
me your number that day

teddy 🤍
you literally saved my life and
even if he had our downs, I would
do it all again just so I can have you
in the end

teddy 🤍
I love us so much, and I can't wait
for the wedding, for the life after

you make me cry

where does that come from?
aren't you in the kitchen with liah?

teddy 🤍
yeah and that's why I needed
you to know how much I'm grateful
that you gave me her, that you're

teddy 🤍
the last days were hell for me, promise
from now on, please tell me everything
that's going on in your head

if you from now on tell me when you
feel like that again or have anything
on your mind!

teddy 🤍
I will, because I can't loose you

I love you Theodore

teddy 🤍
And I love you Esmerelda

teddy 🤍
Always and Forever

maeblack posted a stor

maeblack posted a stor

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chapter forty eight
we're getting better ❤️‍🩹
we heading towards the end 🙈

AGAINST ALL ODDS - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now