chapter thirty

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THEO FOUND HIMSELF in the familiar surroundings of the Hogwarts Infirmary, a sense of reluctance tugging at him. Theo, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, had been avoiding a visit to Madam Pomfrey. Draco but then offered Theo Galleons to finally seek the help everyone wanted him to get.

Theo finally agreed, and now is heading to the Infirmary on that day that coincidentally happened to be also his birthday. The corridors echoed with Draco's words, "You need to do this, Theo. It's time to reclaim your memories."

"What's the point, Draco? I don't remember why any of this matters."

"Mae. You're doing this for Mae. She's leaving Hogwarts today because of what you've become, I want you to stop her." Theo's brow furrowed, frustration evident on his face. The name triggered no recognition, merely a distant echo in the void of his lost memories.

"Mae? Why should I care about someone like her again? I don't care if she's leaving today."

"Again, she was so important to you, Theo. More important than you realize, and you'll regret it." Theo hesitated, grappling with the internal struggle of pursuing a past that remained elusive. Draco's unwavering gaze and a heavy pouch of Galleons on the table convinced him to give it a try.

Madam Pomfrey then was welcoming, "Mr. Nott, Mr. Malfoy. How can I assist you today?"

"Theo finally wants the help you offered."

Madam Pomfrey nodded, guiding Theo to a comfortable chair. The process began, memories resurfacing like pieces of a fragmented puzzle.

"This is pointless. I don't see how any of this connects to—" And then, like a wave crashing over him, it hit Theo. Images, moments, emotions flooded his mind, and in that torrent of memories, Mae's face emerged, bringing with it a surge of familiarity and regret.

Theo whispers, "Mae..." Draco watched as recognition dawned on Theo's face, a mixture of relief and anguish etched in his eyes.

"You remember her." Theo's gaze held a newfound clarity, memories of laughter, shared secrets, and the warmth they once shared flooding back. "Remember her? Mae, I know my Mae, Fuck what did I do?"

Meanwhile, at the Hogwarts Express platform, Mae bid farewell to her friends and brother. The air was thick with emotion as hugs were exchanged and promises of keeping in touch were made.

"Take care, Mae. We'll miss you." Astoria says with tears streaming down her face, hugging her friend goodbye.

Silas then hugs her, "You're doing what's best for you. We'll always be here." As the heartfelt goodbyes continued, Theo, now desperate to miss her, sprinted through the castle, his mind preoccupied with getting to the platform before the train left. He pushed a few over and apologized quickly afterward but didn't stop. He ran as fast as he could with nothing else on his mind but Mae

But fate had its own plans. As Theo reached the platform, breathless and desperate, the Hogwarts Express began to move. The train started its journey away from the station, and Mae, surrounded by her friends, missed seeing the one person who had desperately tried to catch up.

Theo's voice filled with regret, he screamed after the train, "NO, STOP THE TRAIN, STOP THE FUCKING TRAIN." he slammed his hands on the train, thinking he could stop the train that way.

The group of friends witnessing the scene, but couldn't change it. "FUCK!" They noticed he remembered but it was to late. His eyes were wide and he knew there's no going back. He cried silently and has his hands through his hair. Blaise came onto him firat and placed a hand on Theo's shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of the missed opportunity.

"She' gone, Theo." Theo watched as the Hogwarts Express disappeared into the distance, the realization of the consequences of his actions settling heavily upon him. "I love her, I love her so much. I- I-," he run away.

chapter thirty
thirty chapters and it's finally
done, and what's done is done?

she won't come back, because
that's how life is... it's not always
how we want it.

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