chapter thrity seven

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maeblack posted a story

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maeblack posted a story

THEY RENTED A HOUSE BY THE WATER, and when she sat down on the beach one evening, he of course went down to the water to check on her, and there she was sitting on the sand, looking out at the water

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THEY RENTED A HOUSE BY THE WATER, and when she sat down on the beach one evening, he of course went down to the water to check on her, and there she was sitting on the sand, looking out at the water. Only wearing her bikini with a silk cloth around herself. Without saying anything, he sat down next to her, she looked at him briefly, his gaze went straight ahead, but then looked away again. "Mae, I think it's better if we speak now."

"Theo, can we just enjoy it, the silence please." she said with a sigh, he then looked at her while she now looks straight ahead.

"I need to get it off my chest, there is a burden that we ignore and I can't ignore it any longer, Mae." he said, there was never the perfect moment nor place for it. But his words making her look at him with a frown. "I told you, my feelings for you never changed, you said the same, so what's stopping us now when we clearly feel the same way."

"Theo what ab-"

"You're thinking about this too much, Mae." She was staring at him with a slightly smile.

"I love you, Esmeralda Black." he said leaning in to kiss her, which she returned. It was just a sweet kiss but it shows so many emotions. "I love you too,"

He smiles to himself because it was the first time she said it back after all this time they were apart and it was the perfect place for it.

"Is that really what you want?" she whispers against his lips, foreheads touching each other. He nodded looking at her lips, already begging to feel them again. "I want everything with you." he said in a whisper too while she was now staring at his lips too which he of course noticed. "What do you want, cara mia?"

She breathed out, "You, I want you." She said before smashing her lips on his, and giving him a hot passionate kiss. He couldn't get enough and didn't even think about breaking the kiss, instead he goes further.

chapter thirty seven
so things are clear now

AGAINST ALL ODDS - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now