five | a bitter broken heart

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JAKE'S STOMACH WAS in knots as soon as he delivered the invitation to his ex girlfriend's brother's house, knowing full well that she would be staying there during her visit to dear old Fightertown, USA. Especially since she wasn't living with him anymore either. Now as he laid wide awake in bed just starring at the ceiling secretly wishing that the girl snoring beside him was Briseis instead of Delilah, his stomach flipped again, causing him to sit up in bed, abruptly. Delilah turned in her sleep due to the sudden movement of the bed from her fiance and continued snoring away much to the pilot's pleasure.

His phone started pinging from notifications from his sister Ella. Jake remembered that Delilah was still sleeping so he turned down the volume and lighting from his phone and began to text his sister back.

Elbean: Well you fucked up, Jakey!
Jake: Del made me invite Bri, ok?
Elbean: you should've said no
Jake: But she insisted! (and don't quote taylor swift lyrics at me!)
Elbean: I don't care, Bri's been holed up at Bradley's ever since she found your dumbass invitation.
Jake: I just thought since we were friends... and I invited her entire family even Chris (now that he's back and everything)
Elbean: Friends? Jake? Are you okay?
Jake: I was trying to be nice, okay? And to be frank, she broke up with me so I'm just trying to get things back to normal... because before any of that stuff happened between me and Bri, we were good! So good! But look I gotta get ready for training and then me and Del have some wedding stuff to finish up, so we'll talk later okay?
Elbean: Alright, yeah we'll discuss this later. Stay safe up there, dork.
Jake: Always do, bean.

Jake finished typing up the text to his sister and put his phone back onto the beside table, as he got out of bed to start getting ready for the day. He was already running a bit late as it was but he knew as soon as he was up in the air, he'd feel a lot better.

Once Jake reached the hangar, his helmet snug under his arm, Javy walked up to him with his girlfriend, Daphne Kerner, Slider's daughter, who also happened to be Brandy's WSO and one of Jake's bestfriends as well.

Jake gave Javy a hand shake and
kissed Daphne on the cheek, softly.

"Morning! Javy, Daph, ready to turn and burn?"

Daphne, reached over with her free hand which was not holding her helmet and pinched Jake's arm hair.

"Ow! Hey! Daph! What the fuck was that for?" Jake winced, nursing his arm, gently.

Daphne glared at him. "Because you're an ass, Jacob Anthony Seresin."

Javy couldn't help but laugh at this which was not very helpful of him. "Dude she full-named you, I'd be careful if I were you. Choose your next words wisely..."

Jake shook his head again, in shock and a little from the pain, that was now causing a small red bump to be raised on his skin.

"What? What did I do?" Jake mumbled, hand in the air for protection from his face just in case she slapped him. Just call it self defense.

"Don't invite Bri to the wedding... she's been a mess since she found your invitation, poor thing..."

Jake sighed. "I was just being nice okay?! I thought she'd be over our stuff by now..."

Javy spoke up then just as Maverick was waving the three pilots over to join the rest of the gang who were already outside.
"Come on, Mav's waiting..."

Daphne shook her head as she led them towards Maverick, sighing. "Well, are you?"

But Jake didn't have the heart to answer her because he too was still unsure, himself.
And Jake, well he never was unsure about anything. At least, before Briseis.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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