27. Ryoma and Gonta (Fluff)

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"You're cute when you sleep"

Ryoma and Gonta were in the bedroom, the tennis player was wearing a dark green shirt and brown pants, while the entomologist was wearing a green vest and white jeans.

"Hey, Gonta" the tennis player called and the entomologist didn't respond.

"Oh, right, he's sleeping" the tennis player remembered and the entomologist was lying on the bed.

"How can you sleep so soundly?" The tennis player wondered and the entomologist's eyes were closed.

"He really is cute" the tennis player complimented and the entomologist was snoring.

"Wait, what did I just say?" The tennis player questioned and the entomologist was still sleeping.

"No, wait, it's not what you're thinking" the tennis player tried to defend himself and the entomologist was still asleep.

"No, I wasn't saying that Gonta's cute" the tennis player said and the entomologist was mumbling something.

"Huh, what did he say?" The tennis player asked himself and the entomologist was drooling.

"Eww, he's drooling" the tennis player noted and the entomologist's lips were parted.

"Oh, wait, he's dreaming" the tennis player figured out and the entomologist was snoring.

"Geez, you're not supposed to drool, Gonta" the tennis player advised and the entomologist didn't respond.

"Or, well, it's not that bad, I guess" the tennis player corrected and the entomologist's hands were around him.

"Okay, that's really adorable" the tennis player admitted and the entomologist was holding his hand.

"Oh, I guess he wants to hold my hand" the tennis player stated and the entomologist's grip tightened.

"I guess he doesn't want me to go anywhere" the tennis player said and the entomologist didn't move.

"Okay, you're too cute, even for your own good" the tennis player complimented and the entomologist's hand was moving.

"Huh? Is he trying to do something?" The tennis player questioned and the entomologist's fingers were brushing against his.

"I'm guessing he wants to hold my hand properly" the tennis player suggested and the entomologist was snoring.

"Yeah, I thought so" the tennis player confirmed and the entomologist's eyes were opening.

"Wait, he's waking up" the tennis player realized and the entomologist was staring at him.

"What are you doing?" The entomologist asked and the tennis player didn't reply.

"Just admiring your beauty" the tennis player answered and the entomologist looked embarrassed.

"O-oh, I see" the entomologist stuttered and the tennis player kissed his cheek.

"W-wait, wh-what was that for?" The entomologist asked and the tennis player was smiling.

"Don't ask questions" the tennis player said and the entomologist raised an eyebrow.

"But I want to know" the entomologist stated and the tennis player sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell you" the tennis player gave up and the entomologist was listening.

"I love you" the tennis player confessed and the entomologist's eyes were watering.

"I... I see" the entomologist trailed off and the tennis player looked concerned.

"Is everything alright?" The tennis player questioned and the entomologist was blushing.

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