Chapter 2: Getting everyone (Part 2)

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At the North Pole, North stands in front of the globe, his brow furrowed in concern. Something feels amiss, a gnawing sensation in the pit of his stomach that he can't shake.

Unable to pinpoint the source of his unease, North takes decisive action. With a wave of his hand, he conjures the shimmering hues of the Aurora Borealis and summons the other guardians to his side.

Before long, Bunny, Tooth, Jack, and Sandman are gathered around North, their expressions a mix of curiosity and impatience.

"All right, North, what did you call us for this time? Is Pitch back?" Bunny demands, his tone tinged with irritation as he doodles on an egg.

Sandman symbolizes a question mark with his golden sand, wordlessly echoing Bunny's inquiry.

"To be honest, I don't know what's wrong. I just know that something is off, I can feel it! In my—" North begins, only to be interrupted by Jack's sarcastic remark.

"In your belly, yeah, we know," Jack interjects, rolling his eyes and twirling his staff with a nonchalant flick of his wrist.

Tooth giggles, her tiny fairies flitting around her in a flurry of excitement.

Undeterred by the teasing, North huffs and continues, crossing his arms in frustration. "The globe, something just doesn't seem right with it."

"What do you mean?" Tooth asks, fluttering closer to the globe for a closer inspection. "It's rotating, and the lights of the kids are glowing. It seems fine to me." Satisfied with her assessment, she returns to the group, her conclusion echoed by Sandman's silent agreement.

As they ponder the mystery, a sudden giggle pierces the air, drawing their attention to a figure perched atop the globe.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" North demands, his voice laced with wariness.

"Pfft, please, North! Your shop is so easy to break into!" The figure responds, rising from her crouched position to hover above the ground.

North bristles with indignation at the girl's audacity. "Easy to break into?! How dare you—" he begins, only to be halted by Jack's restraining hand.

"Calm down, old man," Jack advises, his gaze fixed on the girl with a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "She looks familiar," he thinks to himself.

"Answer North's first question: who are you?" Bunny demands, brandishing his boomerang in a show of authority.

"That is not important right now," the girl declares, her voice carrying an air of authority as she floats leisurely around the guardians, her gaze sweeping over each of them in turn. "What is important, however, is that I need you all to come with me."

Intrigued and somewhat alarmed, the guardians exchange wary glances, their curiosity piqued by the girl's mysterious demeanor. North's attention, however, is drawn to something else entirely.

"That's mine! Where did you get that?!" he demands, his tone laced with both confusion and concern as he points accusingly at the snow globe in the girl's hand.

"Ugh, all those questions!" the girl groans, her annoyance palpable as she waves off North's inquiry with a dismissive gesture. "Let's just go!"

With a swift and decisive motion, she whispers into the snow globe and shatters it against the ground. In an instant, a swirling vortex of snowflakes materializes around them, enveloping the guardians in a whirlwind of icy chaos.

They cry out in protest, their voices lost amidst the howling winds, but the girl pays them no mind. With a determined expression, she pushes them through the vortex forcefully, her will unyielding as she ushers them towards an unknown destination.

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